The biggest humanitarian crisis i have ever known in my lifetime i think, as you say its going to take years and lots and lots of money to restore Uktraine and labour to rebuild the whole infrastructure of those parts that have been totally destroyed and it isn’t over yet.
Many many families have lost loved ones and in many cases their whole family, it’s enough to make anybody weep.The poor little kids who will never know a life is just unimaginable.
For most, the scars will never heal and my heart goes out to them.
Sad but true. But I also have faith they will rise again and will be stronger than before. They will get a lot of support for that. We might need a new “Marshall plan”
I have no words to express how i really feel and am even welling up writing this.
What has and what still is happening is just horrific it is all just undescribable.
The pictures and videos i am seeing on our news are just so awful and literally heart breaking.
How any human being can do this to other innocent people, well, i just have no words.
Can fully understand you. Not different here too. We can only hope it will end as soon as possible.
I feel exactly the same way @ robwin and @ jabbath1987. If there is such a place called Hell then it won’t be full until Putin is in it. So the World was told progress was made today at the peace talks. Then Russia says it responded by pulling back f___es in some parts of the country.
My take on it is this, I don’t trust Putin at all and I don’t believe them. Secondly I think the real reason why Russia has pulled back f___es is simply because they’ve had their asses kicked and this excuse is to save face now that they realize they can’t win this war or at least take Ukraine the way they thought they could.
Germany sends 1500 Soviet era Strela2 MANPADS to Ukraine
US military promise “NO MAN LEFT BEHIND”. Russian military standing orders " EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES" - lol.
Lol seems they are now attacking them in Russia. Nicely done
I love that quote underneath
"From these warehouses, Russia supplies ammunition to k__l Ukrainians. Judging by the explosion and the remoteness of the composition, the 19th missile brigade of the Armed F___es of Ukraine is holding effective talks on the demilitarization and denazification of Russia. This is the format of negotiations that Ukraine unanimously supports. Ukrainians will take the Russian army straight to hell, "Butusov wrote on FB.
I hope they will hit more military targets in Russia. Seems in over a month the Russians were not even able to destroy the tactical rocket f___e of Ukraine. And also seems they have no air defense ready in Russia at all? Wonder how far a cruise missile towards the Kremlin would make it?
Kyiv is only 748 km to Moscow so it is perfectly feasible.
Well they should give it a try Or at least destroy more of their depots and airports…
I don’t understand what that moron is talking about, but whatever it was, Jules & Vincent reaction to this speech was right
Across Eastern Europe, the addresses of Russian embassies are being changed as a form of protest against the invasion of Ukraine. In the Latvian capital, Riga, the section of Antonijas Street where the Russian embassy is located is set to be renamed Ukrainian Independence Street. And in Vilnius, Lithuania, the previously unnamed road on which the embassy sits (the address for which used to refer to the nearest main street) has now become Ukrainos Didvyrių g.: Ukrainian Heroes Street.
Balls of steel. The drivers and the guy filming…
I always read this thread with admiration, the comments of members on here, universally unified in the support of the Ulranian people, innocent people , their lives utterly destroyed by the tyranny of Vladamir Putin.
I truly love you guys and girls, I am proud to be involved in this forum, surrounded by likeminded people, full of compassion and horrified by the cruelty of one despotic lunatic against the lives of loving families in a peace loving country.
May you all enjoy good health, love and happiness
My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine, may their torment be over soon and they can return to their homeland and rebuild their lives.
peace and love to all.