Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

If anything captures the spirit of these amazing people then this does.

“When bomb sirens began, police asked everyone to move inside the railway station,” Stanmeyer wrote in a caption accompanying the video. “Alex [@alexpian_official] wouldn’t stop, playing his piano louder against the air raid warning. His friend joined with the most calming pink nails. A simple, overwhelming one-minute passion against fear, against war…He went on and on, never letting go.”


Posted at 12:5812:58

BREAKINGRussia ‘to reduce activity around Kyiv and Chernihiv’

Russia’s deputy defence minister Alexander Fomin says Russia will “radically reduce” military activity outside Kyiv and Chernihiv - that’s according to the news agency Tass.

Well seems they used up all their supplies. They already lost the war.

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Only because they are getting their arses kicked and they will twist it into some type of victory you bet.

Thought so.

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Mutual trust ahahaha. :rofl: The pussies are afraid they will be driven back to Belarus

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Here’s a crazy idea…
I know the west is scared to supply Ukraine with planes, tanks, etc. for fear of retaliation from Putin.

But what if these weapons were parked close to the Ukrainian border and somehow got “stolen” by the Ukrainians?
These “stolen” weapons could then be taken back to Ukraine to use against Putin.

Technically these weapons weren’t supplied by the west, they were stolen.

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I made that suggestion weeks ago. The thing is there will be a lot more weapons supplied as it is officially talked about.

See the ship the Ukrainians sank in Berdyansk. Officially Ukraine does not have any weapons to sink such a ship… :joy: :innocent:

I said the same thing as well, the trouble is that it isn’t so easy with the border of Poland as the River Bug borders the crossing. Other borders it would be easier for them to do it though and I had a conversation with Elon about this as the borders between Slovakia and Hungary, for the most part, have no fences and our unmanned, but they do have remote sensors and cameras all along the border.

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Pretty sure they can be deactivated for such purposes. And I am sure nobody will tell when, where and how the weapons get supplied because this is crucial information in that war.

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Hopefully; but I think it is far from over, they still pose a great threat, so I wouldn’t open champagne yet, plus, while pushed into a corner Putin could be unpredictable; I wouldn’t rush to trust that m____rfucker…

John Cleese @JohnCleese

In my Russian dictionary ‘to drastically reduce attacks’ means ‘to run for your life’


Illia Ponomarenko @IAPonomarenko

I don’t know if Russians are really withdrawing troops from Kyiv, but what I know for sure is that Ukraine continues engaging them northwest of Kyiv.


John Sweeney


Ukraine welcomes careful drivers.

For all your John Sweeney fans out there: he is becoming quite famous here in The Netherlands. This sunday he was interviewed on national television. (scroll to 3:49)

For sure. Now it’s time to kick even more ass. :smiling_imp:

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Meanwhile, in space:

Loren Grush


During change of command ceremony, cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov jokes about their time together on ISS: “Some satellites tried to k__l us but we worked together very hard”

Shkaplerov hands over the “key” of the ISS to NASA astronaut Thomas Marshburn. Shkaplerov: “I know you. You’re professional, and I know you will [be a] very professional commander of ISS.”

Before handing over the key Shkaplerov briefly mentions ongoing tensions between US and Russia: “People have problems on Earth. On orbit we are… one crew.”

One of the reasons we go to space:

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I agree. I don’t trust it. It all is too fast and without warning. So all of a sudden, they wake up and say “we will back down”??? I call bulls__t.

Remember, Russia said they were not going to bomb civilians…and they did…and all the other bs stuff they have done.

Something is fishy…

will smith bulls__t GIF

Sure. The thing is they will keep trying. But their army is just crap… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Agreed 100%

I would not have thought anyone would be thinking about _____ing champagne not for many years as these scars are going to last a long time and as you rightly say this is going to take some time yet.

One of the biggest problems will be the displacement of 3.5 million living abroad right now and the eventual return of these people will cause terrible problems for Ukraine in funding their lives and trying to get back to some sort of normality.

This is just one of many problems Ukraine will face in the future and will take years to overcome. :frowning: