Well done am glad you live in such a perfect country over there.
Yes the UK has more homes but then we have a population of nearly 70 million so does tend to concentrate the mind both in accommodation and infrastructure like schools, housing and healthcare etc etc but then not’s let such insignificant details get in the way.
As i have repeatedly said the UK will do it’s best in accommodating as many as we can but there is no magic wand i’m afraid, only wish there was.
Must go as have to get my bedridden wife her meal no doubt catch you later.
I know robwin and I really don’t have any beef with my fellow countrymen as most of them are decent people like yourself - I just cringe sometimes at the lack of action due to bureaucracy.
Je suis étonné de voir le nombre de personnes qui accueillent des réfugiés ukrainiens chez eux en France et les exemples de français qui sont allés en Pologne ou Moldavie pour les ramener se multiplient. Je n’ai rarement vu une tel solidarité. Il y a aussi en France beaucoup de problèmes de logements. Il y a bien quelques politiques (extrème droite)qui voudraient des contrôle plus strict(ils disent que des réfugiés économiques en profitent .
You think we don’t get frustrated with how slow off the mark governments can be too? But the thing is, wheels are moving and things are in action are they going as fast as the war? maybe not, as fast as other countries on the frontline? maybe not - but you need to consider longterm solutions despite the short term urgency, having people in others homes, s___ping on the floor/sofas or garage’s in not sustainable for anyone, real solutions have to be found and sometimes it means it doesn’t all happen right this minute. What is going on in Poland at the moment is not down to efficiency or less beurocracy, it’s about being on the frontline and saving lives and making short term snap decisions. The rest of the world needs to be taking time to ensure places like Poland are supported with longer term decisions and support, taking the pressure off all of those frontline, refugee welcoming states.
I understand your frustration @anon31605929 - I really do but I feel that sometimes you are directing it at the wrong places.
No. If anything part Russia part Belarus…maybe…
Too many posts to catch up on…just saying hello…still haven’t turned on the news yet.
Kevin Rothrock @KevinRothrock
First comments from Ovsyannikova: 14-hour interrogation, denied her access to lawyers, she’ll talk more tomorrow after some s___p. She speaks English at the end of this video.
But I think about all those people, common folk, who got arrested and maybe disappeared or worse. She made international news. Unfortunately so many others didn’t.
True ofcourse. But that they didn’t dare to make her dissapear, because she is a well known journalist, is giving hope for everybody.
Yeah I know…if she dies or disappears it will just make Russia look worse internationally speaking. Im glad she took a stand, but I do think about all the others…
Non capisco.
BayraktarTB2 drone in #Ukraine is proving very effective against #Russia
BREAKING: The hacking collective Anonymous has sent 7,000,000 anti-war texts to Russian cell phone users to tell them the truth about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
I was thinking… oh my son and I would have fun flying that thing! He would say, Daddy make it do a big loop.
I think it is not able to do that. But the thought is very funny
Oh daddy make it blow up that tank…
That it can do for sure
Good point 1313_Mockingbird_Ln although knowing my son he would probably target his school first so that he would not have to go there for a while.
Sounds about right…