Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

This is what it is like to live through a night in Kharkiv with heavy explosions and fires in the city centre.

I just cannot imagine the sheer terror that they must be going through. :cry:

I think the IOC bears some of the blame for giving Putin this vision. I am convinced that it was at this moment the fate of the world was sealed in his mind. The world has to stop propping up despots, who treat other humans like slaves and tools.

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Bravo Italy :heart: :heart: :heart:

Ukrainian c___dren welcomed with cheers to Italian school


An entire column of Russian T80U tanks from the elite 4th Guards ‘Kantemirovskaya’ Tank Division stuck in the mud and abandoned by their crews.:ukraine::point_down:

More profit for farmers then :laughing: :laughing:

Hey you big :muscle: manly lot, I dare you not to show any emotion to this

Tissues out :laughing:


Good one UK, a wee bit light in the dark. :+1:


China’s Xi Hop Sing (my apologies to the late Bonanza actor) is riding the fence about siding with Russia. The dumb fuck needs a two-by-four at the back of his head to be on the right side of the fence - FFS!!! Some countries can NEVER be trusted or dependent upon.

envoyé par Nina:

VKontakte a supprimĂ© un message vidĂ©o de Marina Ovsyannikova, rĂ©dactrice en chef de Channel One, dans lequel elle qualifiait la Russie d’agresseur et appelait Ă  des rassemblements contre la guerre — The Insider

source d’information qu’utilise Nina et Kira Vous connaissez surement


Oh buggeration :roll_eyes:

I don’t know if anyone has heard about these series of supposed leaks from the FSB? If they are true or not who knows.

Well, there is a new one that outlines attacks on Poland if the west doesn’t give in to Putin’s future demands after he has announced world war III. I guess I will be purchasing a hardhat then. :anguished:

Czytaj więcej na Wojna na Ukrainie. ĆčrĂłdƂo w FSB: Rosja ma nowy plan, mowa w nim o Polsce - Wydarzenia w INTERIA.PL
Wojna na Ukrainie. ĆčrĂłdƂo w FSB: Rosja ma nowy plan, mowa w nim o Polsce - Wydarzenia w INTERIA.PL

Now the sixth document has come to light. According to the translation posted by Igor Szuszko on Twitter , Russia plans to announce that World War III has broken out . This maneuver is, in turn, a pretext to evaluate the reaction of the West. To this end, a speech by the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is planned, who will declare that he does not want a war, but that the West has already started it and now Russia is f___ed to participate in it.

The document shows that the FSB is preparing for several scenarios. The first assumes a submissive Western stance towards Putin’s demands. Then negotiations will take place, during which Russia will expect the signing of an international treaty. If this does not happen, Russia is threatened with an attack on other countries . The direction of the attack is here - Poland and other Baltic countries . The document states that if the West fails to meet Putin’s expectations, rocket attacks, among others on our country are to be very likely.

Sounds like something Putin would do. One way or another, I think he has made it clear that he is not stopping unless other countries agree to HIS terms.

let GIF

Then Putin seems to be planning his suicide and wants to take us all with him. Well, whether climate change or Putin’s nuclear weapons k__l us doesn’t matter that much anymore

Russia did not even reach the Western border yet. They are inept. Stuck. Their army is crap.

Did not read that anywhere else. But honestly won’t surprise me. Seriously when he attacks NATO he is fucked. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have copied and pasted this to here. Surely you know you have really fucked up when Kim Jong-Un calls you out?!!!

Ukraine crisis: Vladimir Putin suffers ultimate humiliation as North Korean leader brands Russia ‘too insane’

Vladimir Putin has suffered the ultimate humiliation as North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has reportedly branded Russia ‘too insane.’

The Russian army has lost a sizable chunk of its assets, both in terms of personnel and material, as the invasion of Ukraine peters out.

Mr. Putin has reportedly reached out to his perceived allies, China and North Korea, but both have turned their backs on him. Many see the ill-advised invasion of Ukraine as the beginning of the end for Vladimir Putin’s regime.