Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

La journaliste protestataire de la télé russe condamnée à une amende et libérée

Un tribunal de Moscou a infligé mardi une amende à Marina Ovsiannikova, employée d’une chaîne de télévision russe qui a fait irruption pendant un journal télévisé pro-Kremlin pour dénoncer l’offensive en Ukraine, sans toutefois l’emprisonner.

Reconnue coupable d’avoir commis une «infraction administrative», Marina Ovsiannikova devra payer une amende de 30.000 roubles (environ 250 euros au taux actuel), selon une journaliste de l’AFP présente à l’audience. Remise en liberté, elle risque toutefois encore des poursuites au pénal passibles de lourdes peines de prison.

She should leave the country ASAP…

Emmanuel Macron propose d’accorder l’asile à la journaliste russe qui a brandi une pancarte dénonçant la guerre en Ukraine


Always someone wanting to find fault with every fucking thing eh?
Yes we may have been slow to begin with but at least ones we do take in we can rehouse them immediately.
All very well letting 1 1/2 million in or whatever figure it is if you ain’t got nowhere to house them immediately.
I have no doubt Poland are doing the best they can but are they all housed yet and where are they all?
The UK will no doubt do the best they can to take in as many as they can realistically accommodate.
As far as the comments page is concerned no doubt you have as many wankers over there as we have here who love being brave keyboard warriors.

je vois que l’opposition brexit , anti brexit s’invite dans le forum

Couldn’t give a fuck about Brexit, what’s that got to do with anything anyway???
Who the fucks mentioned Brexit anyway except you???

sujet sensible , calme toi

robwin, this wasn’t meant a pissing match between Poland and the UK my friend, honestly.

I was just embarrassed as being a Brit at the slow pace that my country’s government took to sort out things.

As for the Daliy Fail, I stand by that comment as apart from the few positive comments there are so many negative comments. These are the first five comments and hardly a welcome :frowning:

I do however have to answer this one:

Almost every home I know has opened its doors and has one or two or more Ukrainians as their guests and yes the country is at breaking point and it is great that the UK is finally sorting something out that they can accept these people, but it is a drop in the ocean as today the borders look like they are going to have a record number going through at 120,000 due to the increased bombing in the west.

Warsaw is full now with 17% of the total population being Ukrainian as are Wroclaw, Krakow and Lublin and with an estimated five million extra Ukrainians possibly coming over within the next few weeks, things are going to be really tough and each country has to speed up its processing of these poor people. Plus I haven’t heard one bad word against the Ukrainians as they are fellow Slavs and treat them like brothers.

Perfectly calm thankyou, it was you who brought up the Brexit word, why i don’t know, but that’s up to you pal.

Genuinely, what would you expect by giving the most right wing media in the UK as an example? If you chose the equivalent newspaper source in Germany, France etc it would be the same response.

Yeah well no need to be embarrassed, we do have border controls over here unlike most of Europe where thousands can flood anywhere instantly so you don’t really know who you are allowing in.
Who is right or wrong is up for debate i suppose.

As far as the comments are concerned, printing that out isn’t any help to anybody as no doubt you have as many tossers in Poland as we have in the UK. No insult intended i can assure you but it is what it is.
Every country have their own fanatics who like to spew their bile everywhere, whether it makes them feel big or what i don’t know but it’s the same the world over. No doubt there are many in Poland as well.

Am not gonna fall out with you as we have nothing to fall out over, everyone is doing their best.

The UK simply doesn’t have the capacity to absorb millions of people instantly and any sensible person wouldn’t expect them to.
The UK is a very densely populated area as no doubt you are aware unlike Poland,Romania, Germany & Spain who are far bigger country’s in land mass to name just four.
Poland for instance has half the population of the UK and is over twice the size in land mass at least.

As i said before i have no fear that the UK will take in as many as it can possibly accommodate which is all any country can do without causing any unrest and other complications.

So there is really no spot without any of you buggers there? :rofl: Sorry could not resist :innocent:

Depends which spot you are looking at young man :rofl:

Strangely enough and it may surprise you there are border controls between Ukraine and Poland as well.

Again, I can only go by what I hear and I haven’t heard one negative comment about these people here, in fact, the opposite where hundreds of Facebook groups have opened up asking for rooms and housing. As I said before there are deep roots between these two countries and feel obligated to do as much as they can do as they are fellow Slavs. :grinning:

Nor does Poland, but they did it right away anyway, with a population of 37 million and already they have absorbed 2 million into their homes. :roll_eyes:

This makes no sense as I have already said every home has opened its doors and welcomed people in.

If we take Warsaw as an example:

The people’s names are taken at the border and then sent to Warsaw by email, it takes me 3.5 hours to drive them to Warsaw and when they arrive they are processed at Warsaw West bus station and then they are sent on to an already allocated home and the whole process from arriving in Warsaw to being sent to the home takes one hour. This is being wound down now as Warsaw is full and there is a big advertising campaign starting tomorrow for people in the towns and the countryside to take more people.

The UK has a lot more homes than Poland does; therefore, in theory, they could home so many more than Poland can. As to landmass, that is irrelevant unless you want them to live in tents?

No country has any obligation to rehome these people but at least let’s be honest about it.

je suis absolument d’accord avec ukPOLSKA, le fait d’avoir une population importante devraient permettre à plus de gens d’accueillir des réfugiés. On va les loger dans des maisons dans des apparts …pas dans la forêt. Robwin , ton argument n’a aucun sens pour moi.

If you say so :roll_eyes:

You both presume there is this abundance of “spare rooms” and “vacant accomodation” within regular people’s homes, especially within the cities - I am in one of those densly populated areas of the UK and I know of nobody with a “spare room” and if that were the case it would have been rented out already (Do you have ANY idea of what rent costs in UK cities?). I do however know of many people going through adulthood still living in parents homes and I do know of many parents with 3/4 c___dren sharing rooms simply because of the lack of affordable accomodation. This is where the aformentioned by Robwin “population density” comments are important, The UK is taking and will continue to take refugees but it needs to ensure that they are filtered to places where there is actual accomodation to house them rather than letting them flood in and end up living on the streets in the major cities.

I propose on this page to support the sanctions on Russia and cut off the retransmissions of the Russians

Do you really think there are an abundance of spare rooms anywhere in any country?

The same is being done in a lot of countries, it’s just been done a lot earlier and quicker then my homeland, which is a fact, not fiction.
That’s the last I am going to say on the matter as it’s just a load of excuses it seems. :anguished:

Dear god, another lame excuse is below refazer
. :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: