Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

je poste à nouveau le texte d’une jeune russe révoltée par ce que fait son pays. Cela explique l’attitude de certains.


En Russie, ce sont des gens avec un cerveau foutu par 20 ans de propagande, et d’autres qui veulent que leur cerveau se transforme une fois en 15 jours… il n’y a pas eu de miracle, l’inertie est terrible … tout s’est avéré plus effrayant et plus global, et le monde entier en est coupable avec sa complicité silencieuse, son sommeil et la recherche de bénéfices de M. fou…**


More bad News for Russia as Britain sends #StarStreak MANPADS to #Ukraine

7 ways military of #Russia got exposed in #Ukraine !

mais c’est pas croyable de vous lire,?? ça ne vous affecte pas de voir tout ces gens qui sont persécuté et tout ces victimes innocentes, Poutine n’a pas d’âme,comme dictateur et criminel,je vois dans ma ville ces pauvre gens femmes et enfants) qui ont tout perdu, je vous salut

Unfortunately the invention of the nuclear bomb will ultimately lead to armageddon.
In 1945 it served a purpose, ended the 2nd world war.
since then it has served as the ultimate deterrent…peace in our time.
The fact that no one wins a thermo-nuclear war.
This is good until a psychotic madman, in charge of nuclear weapons , decides to use them.
This conflict in Ukraine , I fear, will slowly escalate, Putin will eventually push the button and we will all be fucked.
I hope to god this doesn’t happen…but if it does, It’s been great being part of this forum, bouncing off you guys.
enjoy what time you all have got left.
hug your family.

Fortunately it takes more than 1 code to launch the ICBM’s. I think someone would stop him before he has that chance. Most people love life more than one thinks.

I hope to god you are right… I’m not ready to meet my maker.

An interesting post Emanuel37523 and even though I know some of you are not religious, this makes interesting reading. I’ll copy and paste the whole thing, you decide.

Spoiler show


  • BE AWARE .

(Sister Lucia)

“When the world asks for peace and security and repent of all the evil it has done, the sudden destruction of the new armagedon has arrived and everyone will suffer.”

These were the prophecies of the Virgin of Fatima when she appeared to three c___dren in 1917 and said that on this date 2025 it would come to an end.

Lucia was just 10 years old when the appearances took place, which began on May 13, 1917. Lucia and her two cousins saw the Virgin Mary in a golden tree for a period of six months.

The religious Carmelite Lucia of the Immaculate Heart, the last survivor of the three c___dren who were certified to see the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese town of Fatima, died at the age of 97 on February 14, 2005. He died at the Carmelo Convent of Coimbra where he lived since 1948.

This message was read by Pope John Paul II who decided not to reveal this secret because he thought that doing so would bring panic and despair to the world.

Now another part of this message is being revealed.


Lucia first delivered the message to Pope John Paul II, who after reading it, tremble a lot and decided not to make it public for fear of the reaction.

The virgin said to Lucia:

"Don’t be afraid, darling. I am the M____r of Heaven, speaking to you and asking that you make this message public to the whole world. This is how you will find strong resistance.

Listen and pay attention to what I say: The sins of men need to be forgiven. With humble plea, they should ask for forgiveness for the sins they have committed and those they may have committed. You want me to give you a sign so that everyone can accept my words that through you I say to humanity. They saw the miracle of the Sun, all believers, non believers, farmers, citizens, wise men, journalists, seculars, priests, all saw.

A great punishment will fall on all humanity, not today, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the 21st century. I had already revealed to the c___dren Melania and Massimino, the “La Salette”, and today I repeat to you because humanity has sinned and stepped on the God-given gift. No where in the world will there be order and Satan reigns in the highest degrees that determine the ground of things, because men are directed by the devil, sowing hatred and vengeance everywhere.

Men make deadly weapons that can destroy the world in minutes.

Half of humanity can be terribly destroyed.

There will be conflicts between religious orders.

God will allow all natural phenomena such as smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, floods, earthquakes, virus, inclement weather, terrible disasters and extremely cold winters like these times end the earth little by little.

There will be diseases without cure, people mock the saints and the church.

There will be uncontrollable k__lings, people will k__l each other, many people will suffer.

Some natural phenomena will occur before 2025 and then continue with greater intensity and greater destruction, climate will suddenly change to extreme weather conditions.

They will not survive, lack charity for the neighbor and not love one another as my Son Jesus loved them.

Many will wish to be among the dead, because millions of people will lose their lives in a few seconds and others will suffer too much, new ways of life will come and contribute to destruction, to give them more power and thus cultivate the your number, it’s a race.

The punishments that await us on Earth are unimaginable, but they will surely come.

God helps the world, but he who does not testify faithfulness to the son of God, Jesus Christ, will be destroyed, because many have turned their back on him, and He can do nothing about it.

F____r Agostino, who resides in Fatima, received permission from Pope Paul VI to visit his sister Lucia.

F____r Augustine expresses that she received him very weak, with tears in her eyes and said to him:

"F____r the Virgin Mary is very sad because no one is interested in her 1917 prophecy, people don’t care about this prophecy.

So, while the good should walk a narrow path; the wicked are walking a broad path that leads them straight to destruction and believe, F____r, that punishment will come very soon from 2020 and will come with firm power.

Many souls may be lost and many nations and states will disappear from the Earth; the world may be lost forever.

The time has come for everyone to pass on the message of the Virgin Mary to her family, her friends and to the whole world.

We’re close to the last minute, the last day and disaster is approaching.


There is talk of peace and security everywhere, but punishment will come without anything stopping it.


This war can destroy anything, anything, will be a disaster.

Darkness will then fall upon us for 72 hours (3 days) and the third part that will survive these 72 hours of darkness and sacrifice; will begin to live in a NEW ERA.

On a very cold night ten minutes before midnight (Portugal time) a BIG EARTHQUAKE will shake the earth for eight hours.

The good ones, those who preach the prophecy of the Virgin of Fatima,

YOU SHOULD NOT FEAR, but others will suffer the consequences of ignorance of this warning, earthquake will cause destruction of much of the earth, some parts will separate and cause great disasters!


Sister Lucia says what the Virgin said:

"Don’t leave your house and don’t let strangers in, there will be new and unknown people who will look good talkative and say to join them, their new race and lifestyle, we will not accept it! "

These new “people” will be benefited from the disaster that will happen in the world (earth)…

Sister Lucia continues with what was revealed to her:

So you guys can prepare and stay alive, like my kids who are also taking this warning seriously, I will give you the following signs:

Gona be a very cold night It’s going to be during a strong wind…

There will be distress and soon the earthquake will start that will make the earth tremble strongly…

Close the doors and windows in the house and don’t talk to anyone who isn’t inside the house…

Do not look outside, do not be curious, for this is the wrath of the Lord…

Light a blessed candle, for three days no other light can shine…

The movement will be so violent that it will move the earth 230 degrees and then return to its normal position…

Then there will be total darkness that will cover the whole Earth. All evil spirits will be dissolved and set free doing great damage to souls who did not want to hear this message and those who do not want to repent…

Everything will be dark and a great mystical cross will appear in Heaven to remind us the price that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, paid for our redemption.

Sister Lucia continues to refer to what the Virgin trusted her:

We pray as follows:

O God forgive our sins, save us from the fire of hell and take to Heaven all souls, especially the most needy of your mercy.”

Those who believe in the message God sends and bring the message to others should fear nothing on the Great Day of the Lord…

Those who remain silent will now be responsible for this large number of souls lost to ignorance…

When the earth no longer tremble, those who do not believe in our Lord will die horribly…

Wind will bring gas, virus and water everywhere…

So the sun will rise again…

Many can live after these disasters…

once they started they can’t look outside the house for any reason because God doesn’t want any of his c___dren to see when punishing these sinners, how they suffer and he doesn’t want them to see the pain it will cause these wicked people rascals…

We need to understand that God allows all this to pass and we need to understand that god will punish all those who didn’t hear him and what this text says so much panic was caused because God will release his uncontrollable anger and find all those who have offended him and they have destroyed the world …

Remember that the word of God is not a threat, but a good news.

Maybe God allows it to be because He wants to save all for Him.

If you read it, say something.

They say that every heartbeat of our heart is God saying he loves us.

Have you ever stopped to wonder how many times he told you this today?

If you love God leave an amen and share in seven groups on Facebook. If you’re ashamed of God, watch it…

Remember God said:

If you deny me among men, I will deny you before my f____r.

I would also like to think someone would not accept that final order and reject it. Surely nobody in their right mind would go through with it. Sadly though it has been a long time since they were used in a War situation and few are alive now to explain just how serious it would be. Couple that with how much stupidity there is in the World now.

Putin command is older. They know what history showed. Besides it would put them in line for office.

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Lol that is just superstitious bulls__t…
I wasted 5 minutes of my life reading that crap and it is with every “prophecy”. It is written in a way that after some time of course such things will come true.
Please let’s talk about facts and not some fairytales :wink:

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I don’t subscribe to it much either but let’s see how everything unfolds

FUCK! Some people are very seriously deluded!!

Are Russians ready to be cut off from internet?

j’èspère que la majorité des Russes vont réagir et stoppé ce dictateur psychopathe, qui vit dans une monde de l’enfer, l’Europe ouvrira toujours se bras, pour accueillir ces martyrs, cela prendra dut temps,mais !! tout les dictateurs criminels ont toujours eu une fin minable,nous français on vous aime,par ce que vous êtes de belles personnes

It may surprise you that some of us still do subscribe to a higher belief although it does get harder and harder and that’s all I am going to say on the matter. :wink:

Yeah, I saw that and checkout the other videos on that channel as some of them are real doozies. :laughing: :man_facepalming:

While I agree with your comments about obeying orders, I must remind you that we cannot, under any circumstance, apply the military laws of other countries.to the Russian one. We do not know what their law states. We do not know if these soldiers have the freedom to disobey without being locked up or k__led. It is just simply hard to tell.

I was in the military. And I am an avid traveler.

And the number one fault people have in times like these is we bring our own worldview into the conversation without fully understanding the other side.

Do I agree with this war? No. Definitely not.
But do I want Russian soldiers to do an about face and shoot Putin in the nuts…YES!

You kidding right, a Russian soldier having the right to disobey an order, sounds like democracy. Military law states that you have to obey a lawful command from a superior officer or face court marshal which in war times has pretty severe sentences. Having been in the military I know this and I do not believe any military has other laws, you know like obey if you feel like it feels right.

I do hope and pray that the Russians don’t destroy the beautiful city of Lviv as it has some of the most amazing architecture of Ukraine and is an ancient city. I went there two years ago and was blown away by the beauty of the city.

So far the bombs are located around the city to the south.

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