Good points. The idea of all these economic sanctions and companies leaving Russia is: making girls like these and all other people in Russia aware of what is happening. I don’t know a better way. Maybe you do?
I totally agree.
I noticed a lot of apartments play online games, with the pull out of the major online platforms surely they will feel the pinch. Hey every effort helps.
Wait until the Russian military fighters find out that their pay will probably not even cover the cost of cigarettes and a_____l which seems to be their two major daily habits. And their phone might be of limited use now too.
Judging by how much they all seem to rely on their phones it could be suicidal
Remember when mobiles started and how big they were. In a couple of years due to the ever fast changing technology they will not be able to use their current mobiles. Saying that the grey products from China will come pouring in but we all know how crap those can be at times.
Les russes qui veulent s’informer réellement vers des médias extérieurs le peuvent mais la propagande gouvernementale fait que certains ne croient pas les médias occidentaux… Actuellement d’après Nina et Kira instagram est bloqué , on communique avec telegram
There are family members living in Ukraine who are not believed by their family in Russia. The state media propaganda machine is working.
j’ai déjà posté (A.W jeune artiste russe amateur)
In Russia, these are people with brains fucked up by 20 years of propaganda, and other people who want their brains to transform once in 15 days… there was no miracle, inertia is terrible… everything turned out to be scarier and more global, and the whole world is guilty of this with its silent complicity, its s___p and the search for benefits from Mr. crazy…
I agree, influencers are a fad of this generation. It will die out one day when reality sets in. Sadly, reality might just be war – to wake up humanity after this period that has been a technological and entertainment revolution. Influencers are just entertainers. In the old days, entertainers sometimes carried the word “fool.”
Do we want fools ruling the world?
I have nothing against entertainment, it just has it’s place.
Yes, I know that the Ukrainian president use to be an actor – but now look at him. The limelight does sometime fade.
Welcome to humanity. Welcome to reality. I wish all young people could see our messages.
Yes, partially it is because of the Russian media ban. But it is also the mindset of this younger generation who places value on their internet fame, no matter how brief it might last. I agree with others, time for her to get a real job.
Am I the only one with the impression that there’s much less food and group meals in the overall apartments these last days??? … Could it be because the country is getting out or in difficulties providing supplies???
One of the most appalling scenes todate was on our news this evening showing a Russian tank rolling up to a tower block of apartments and just blasting the s__t out of it.
Any Russians reading this should be thoroughly ashamed of their country.
Just no words to describe the horror which is now unfolding in Ukraine city’s.
Soldiers live in a world where they obey commands, the officer in charge gave that order to fire. The officer got it from higher up the chain. I am pretty sure the soldiers on the ground cannot have been happy to have done that. Seeing it in pictures and videos is one thing, try seeing it from a soldiers view, they have to live with that for the rest of their lives. I am not excusing what the Russians did, just trying to explain it from a soldier’s side. The Russian soldiers are demoralised from the reports I have read, they were lied to but nevertheless have to carry out orders.
That’s is what sucks the most. F___ed in a way to do things you will never un-see…
They always have the option to rebel against such orders to commit crimes against humanity. When everyone would do so the people ordering it would be done in no time. So of course the soldiers are burdening guilt on themselves.
Was the same at the Nürnberg trials. Nazis saying they just followed orders were guilty of course too.
Understand what you are saying and your quite right no doubt but in all truth i was almost in tears seeing it. Just appalls me how some human beings can treat other human beings especially m____rs and c___dren who have done nothing wrong at all. It was just sickening seeing.
We are so used to seeing explosions everywhere now even we are, in a way, getting conditioned to seeing it but that was…, well words fail me to be honest.
I feel the same my friend. Can fully understand your opinion
I agree. Unfortunately they can be feed lies and told these are not people but insurgents that will k__l you. Look a Vietnam. Kids with grenades asking for food. You try to give it to them and you are dead. You don’t know what command will tell the troops. If you try to desert they shoot you… OK sorry done.