Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

I was thinking about that too, but if this was the case there could be the scenario that his generals will turn on him to stage a coup as many ex-generals have voiced their criticism of his current actions and something like that might just be one step too far.

However, he is totally insecure in his position and fired nine generals and two colonels a couple of years ago and keeps constant control over his minions, so it’s a desperate scenario.

That’s the real crux of the situation. Ukraine is a tragedy, but minor in comparison. The fate of the world lies in the hands of the “others” that are required to engage the launch sequence.

We have to rid the world of nukes somehow someway. In time they will get easier to make and will fall into the hands of more fanatical tyrants. We have to make a choice and we don’t have much time left to make it. I fear we are too weak and it is already too late.

Spam website set up to reach millions of Russians

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Today is a good day. I learned a new word: apoplectic.

Roger Hutchinson


The Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Two neighbouring houses are projecting the blue and yellow onto its facade. The ambassador is reportedly “apoplectic”.


I agree with many of your points. Sadly, the way you express them and your personal attack on others I do not agree on. Take time out before replying and stick to the topic. Take out the personal insults no matter how deserving they may be.

We are on the same page when it comes to closing all the Russian apartments as why VHTV tenants should have special privileges when all others have been shut out by the rest of the world. You put it correctly when you said viewers have become way too personal on a voyeurism site. But it is human nature and very difficult to change that especially on a forum. Closing Russian apartments would be personal to most as they have got attached and feel some kind of bond with the tenants. Plus of course the money they spend on subscriptions will be a lot for hardly any apartments to view.

I was banned for a couple of weeks so had time to reflect on my time on this site. Like many I was spending far too much time and following apartment far too closely. Now I simply follow the forum when I am bored and realise what a lot of bollocks it is but then I cannot insult the viewers who get emotional as I was there once.

One thing I am glad is that I no longer give money to view as VHTV does not deserve my money. The last straw for me was the r__e, the reason I got banned as strongly disagreed with a puny _____ing ban fine for the horrible crime that took place. I also do not want any of my money going into Russia and paying tenants is getting foreign currency into Russia. Yes, it may be a small sum but there is a principle involved. I know I will get a lot of flak for my views and that is fine as this is a forum and that is what is to be expected. Ignore the personal insults and only reply in a fitting manner to those that have respectfully challenged you.



Leaked illustration describes the development process of Russia’s pro-war ‘Z’ symbol

5 ukrainiennes sont arrivés dans mon village: 2 mères et 3 filles. Nous les accompagnons du mieux possible, la langue est un vrai obstacle!

Is it bad that I feel no empathy for these Russian influencers that will have to find a real job now?

She spares no thought for the c___dren and people that are m____red in Ukraine each day and all she cares about is where her next mink coat is going to come from.

I do not like influencers. Always sounds like influenza :rofl:

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If anyone is interested my team Brighton are playing Liverpool today and are playing their 3rd kit yellow and blue in honour of Ukraine.

We are going to get whipped and most likely lose, but hey ho. :slight_smile:


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I think also Liverpool should be playing in yellow and blue.

watching it now and as many do on here they are holding their own lol

According to a Youtube video https://youtu.be/RlzHfO0AggM,
Putin cannot on his own launch a nuclear attack,
it demands the consent of either the defense minister Shoigu or the commander
of armed f___es Gerasimov. All three have the nuclear codes, and two of them is needed for a nuclear attack.

Слава Україні @ignis_fatum

This one is very sad too, but not about the fact that her army is wiping out cities in #Ukraine, rather from the fact that “Lipton, Doritos and McDonalds” from #Russia , “What will I eat?” She cries “What presents will I be given for my birthday? Toilet paper?!”

Let’s hope that soon they will realise it is all because of this one tiny little small man.

Incredible how stupid some people are :joy: :joy:


Russia and Vladimir Putin are on the verge of being completely economically isolated.

The sanctions are hailing Russia. Big banks and riches have already been sanctioned, and the nation has also been excluded from the international payment system Swift.

Russia no longer has the same money as before the invasion of Ukraine, which is why the credit rating agency Fitch Rating has downgraded its debt from category B to C.

And this is the second downgrade this month, because Russia went from Category A to B in early March.

That’s according to several media outlets, including the Guardian.

Alarm bells ringing
According to the Institute for International Finance (IIF), Russia currently owes USD 480 billion to be repaid.

The same media, however, writes that Russia has not yet chosen to default on the large debt, but according to the chief economist at the World Bank, Carmen Reinhart, they are very close.

So that would mean russia and Putin going bankrupt.

So what happens when a nation goes bankrupt? Argentina tried it in 2014. The Argentines did not dare to fly the presidential plane out of the country, fearing that it would be seized by the creditos.

Worse was the country’s ships detained in Ghana.

So Russia could end up in a big headache if the debt can’t be repaid.

The first test of whether the nation can or will pay off the national debt is Wednesday, March 16.

So, what is to become of vhtv and the participants from Russian apartments? Since their income comes from us, and with the Ruble becoming worthless soon. What’s in it for them? Are they going to be paid in foreign currencies or something else? @kaya can you give us an idea of what will happen there please!!! Will we see leave the project as it’s no longer worthwhile or will we get more apartments as it’s one of the only viable income for them. Will transmission get cut off from the outside world, if so, does vhtv have an alternative game plan in place yet. Lots of questions about the present and the future.

Both these vids may mean more if we could understand what they are moaning about :rofl:

We can all be angry or laugh at this girl but the fact is she has fuck all idea of what is really happening in Ukraine because of the very strict media ban of everything but their state media. As I pointed out a while ago these sanctions and the Russians not been able to get the things she mentioned are now going to be explained by the Russian leadership. Russians are used to luxuries and they now have to go cold turkey. The Russians are the only ones who are going to be able to get rid of Putin. If their being cut off from McDonalds and other things helps getting the Russian citizens angry enough to protest, that is a good thing.

I thought Russia’s national debt was one of the lowest in the world. World Debt Clocks

??? Forgive my maths, but according to your info, and I don’t know where it is from as there are no links, the US owed debt is twice their live debt now. I am very tired and maybe reading the figures wrong, but something doesn’t add up to me.

As I said I am very tired and may have gotten the wrong end of the stick - maybe someone else can check my reckoning. :slight_smile: