Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

K__ling innocent civilians is unvoidable unfortunalely with any bombing but especially when hospitals and apartment blocks are targeted and destroyed.
The whole thing is just a fucking mess and until that russian twat is put out of his misery nothing will change.
You could say but who will replace him? well it couldn’t get any worse, could it?

I already offered going there and helping rebuild when war is over.

Well any extra pair of hands would be welcome no doubt, don’t forget yer spirit level then :rofl:

Illia Ponomarenko


Ukraine’s authorities say MG Andrey Kolesnikov, Russia’s 29th Combined Arms Army commander has been k__led. This is yet to be confirmed! Big if true — the elimination of military leaders on the ground gets really catastrophic for Russia.

Niet gaan zeuren dat je niemands dood mag toejuichen, dit zijn de mannen verantwoordelijk voor de vernietiging van Oekraïne en het verdrijven van de burgerbevolking.

Good Riddance, Bastard

One small comfort is that there will be immense goodwill and a vast amount of money available to Ukraine to rebuild their cities and their infastructure. With a bit of luck it will become a model economy. Russia will find it far harder with their economy in ruins.

Yesterday I showed you Estonia’s Prime Minister. Today: Finland.

This is Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland. I think that if more women would be in power, these silly wars about nothing would be a thing of the past.

Must admit i have been surprised lately as to how many female prime ministers there are in Europe. :+1:
Go the lady’s eh.:+1:

New Zealand has one too AFAIK

Today, Angela Merkel is missed dearly. We don’t miss Margaret Thatcher so much…

je me permet de copier le texte posté sur instagram par A.W la jeune russe qui a peint le tableau avec les oiseaux qui est dans la salle de travail de Kira (N/K):
Si tous les russes étaient comme elle…

In Russia, these are people with brains fucked up by 20 years of propaganda, and other people who want their brains to transform once in 15 days… there was no miracle, inertia is terrible… everything turned out to be scarier and more global, and the whole world is guilty of this with its silent complicity, its s___p and the search for benefits from Mr. crazy…
Now we have received the script of the movie “Idiocracy” it should have been shot here! conscious people who understand everything are negligible! We live among idiots, zombies, we objectively can’t do anything in this situation. we live by the plots of Erich Remarque literally. we live in a prison, in a huge prison with cruel measures of suppression of any freedoms.
I’m really scared. I have always been for peace, justice, for life, for nature… it hurts me insanely for the dying civilians of Ukraine, for the people defending it, for the young guys who were tricked into fighting, who do not want to fight for the old bastard and his palaces…
It hurts me for my fellow citizens who see nothing but McDonald’s, clothes and creams… this is the bottom… I’m still in my right mind to distinguish that I’m still adequate, and not them…


Maggie was ok at least she had more guts than many since.:+1:

Yes but as far as i have read not all that well liked i think?

I do not follow New Zealand politics. No idea sorry :wink:

With Pootin inviting fighters from Central Africa and the Middle East to help in his war in Ukraine shows the hypocrite that he is, He complains that countries are assisting Ukraine yet looks elsewhere for support. I hope they are prepared for the cold weather that will welcome them.

It’s because of her that many Scots want to break free from the U.K. never treated us as an equal.

Yeah well they always live in the b___dy past :rofl:
Do you honestly think they could survive if independant?
Krankie just leading them to rack and ruin.

Well we only get the odd snippet so am not really qualified to pass an opinion really.

pour une guerre Ecosse , reste du royaume unis attendez un peu . :rofl: