Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Spare me the sad story Saint ukpolska. You think the people in Russia who had a job working for McDonald’s aren’t feeling the pain of the pull out? Maybe it they were showing you their sex life you’d be making the sams argument for McDonald’s. There’s plenty of pain to go around all over. The whole reason for the sanctions and pullouts is to hurt the economy in Russia to the point that the people demand an end to the war. I have a one word response to your comment, copout. The best way to end this war is for the people in Russia to f___e its leader to stop it from within. A thousand selfish specs are only delaying that possibility.

The burger giant said it will continue paying its 62,000 employees in Russia “who have poured their heart and soul into our McDonald’s brand .also most of the others who pulled out are as well which i think is brilliant as not the peoples fault.

So then what’s the point of pulling out? Lessening the pain to the Russian economy only delays the demand for an end of the war.

Nicely put UKP. i agree with absolutely all of that especially the moralising necessary to make me close a profitable business. Even more so the opportunity to borrow the sugar.

:rofl: Nah never happen but keeps life interesting :rofl:
Meanwhile all the politicians up there seem to be feathering their nests quite well :rofl:

Yes and very many of us want to play a full part in Europe and be European including in the EU. Helping the Ukraine like the great people of Poland. I have lived many years and this the worst UK Government in my lifetime by a country mile. I know our young people want to be European and I believe one day they will take us back.

moi je vous reprend quand vous voulez, mais je suies pas sur que Robin soit ok.Mais je voudrais pas lancer un débat qui fâche au royaume unis.

Thank you! You are right - this needs to be about Ukraine but frustration sometimes outs!

The EU is weaker without the UK and UK weaker out of the EU. Unfortunately the lies were believed. I think when this present terrible UK is out they might look at ways to get back in. They will be welcomed back but not have the same advantages they had before.

I actually fear for England when we leave they’ll have nobody to r__e then :joy:

The direction the EU is heading i don’t think there will be many wanting to opt back just the hard core remainers who most are only out for their own selfish needs and perks.The UK doesn’t want to be gobb__d up in a union run by Brussels i’m afraid.

What even with all their skirts on :rofl:

Please stay on topic. This not about Scots vs England or the EU :wink:

What advantages, a free trading area (cough cough) which we paid billions for and subsidised others?
Out of the 27 now only about 9 or 10 actually pay in the rest just leech off the others.
Most of the time we were just used for our resources and having most of our industry stripped away slowly so no thanks, we will either succeed or fail on our own thankyou but failure is not on the cards i’m afraid.

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Chill Jabs it’s all in the natural scheme of things. Am sure you never go off topic and this is only slightly :rofl:
Anyway i’m finished for now.:+1:

All good. Have a good evening :+1:

You might not agree with me which is fine - but where do you get all this rubbish about so called remainers ( Europeans actually ) like me!

And you, no doubt i shall be around somewhere :rofl:

We are all europeans but not all want to be in the same club that’s all. No offence to anybody else.