Discussion about Russian invasion of Ukraine

My f____r does not like Germans for the simple reason he never got to meet his f____r, the closest he got to him was when he visited his grave in a lonely village graveyard in the North of France.

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My country Belgium was invaded by the Germans and many old people clearly remember the occupation. They have no love for the Germans. Is it fair, of course not but personal feelings is mostly not logical.

A long post which deserves an answer:

Well most of the sanctions will hit and I guess are aimed on purpose at younger people. People who are used to using western products, services and technology. It is the young people who have to stand up and make a change. The only way getting them to do that is to make their life uncomfortable.

In fact Russia is the most sanctioned country already. The difference between Russia and North Korea is that Russia is first world country able to take sanctions with less impact while North Korea never was able to develop in any way. They are basically stuck in the 1950s there. So it will take longer til sanctions have effects on Russia. And no matter how hard we sanction them they will never hit the same status than North Korea.

This is also a difference to North Korea. They basically have no internet infrastructure at all. In Russia with a good infrastructure and many people sk__led with IT there will always be a way to bypass blockages.

In that I still do not see the logic. Why punish the Russian apartments only when other apartments suffer? I do not believe at all in collective punishment. Apartments supporting Putin will be shut down (One of them already was) And supporting the economy? Come on what do they buy? Paying their rent and buying clothes and groceries which are not sanctioned at all. And the cams are not bought in Russia.

Well me,probably like you were all post war babies so we have had no personal experience of the atrocities but no doubt have been influenced by history.
Having said that most of the populations are just normal family loving people who have been hit by wars through no fault of their own and in many wars since.

I can understand that. And I do not blame these people. We can only try to convince them that Germans today are different.
But that indeeds leads to the point where we have to ask about the guilt of the people. For me German people in WWII (when not engaged in Resistance) are guilty. They had years to stand up and get rid of Nazi government. Millions of people refusing to fight and protesting the Nazis would not have stand a single chance. Instead they allowed the Nazis to become more and more powerful and closed both eyes saying they do not know about crimes against humanity and concentration camps.

Now coming to the current situation right now the Russian people are not guilty. BUT when they tolerate all this for longer time and do not get their asses up (Putin can’t shoot millions of people protesting and / or refusing to fight for him) they burden themselves with guilt too. And saying they do not know is too easy. Way too easy.
How did the GDR end? Because millions of people went on the street and protested against the regime. They did not stand a chance and the whole state collapsed. Things like that are possible in Russia too. Maybe not now. But when more and more people show courage maybe in not too far future.

What logic is there to war? Why is it that the Ukraine apartment but not the Russian?

It does not matter what infrastructure they have, if the police threaten to arrest you and they will find you then you will have to shut down

Russia will slowly but surely lose development. No spare parts to fix the current goods they have and no new goods getting through… Development unlike the 1950s is changing a lot faster. Soon their systems will no longer be able to get the latest updates or their own systems not compatible with the rest of the world. Might not be stuck in the 1950 but even worse stuck in the modern times not being able to keep up.

Enough Germans were m____red by the Nazis who opposed them. And I also think that a regime that k__led millions of Jews would not have shy away from k__ling millions of Nazi opponents.

We can all only live in hope and pray someone somewhere sees sense which is very easy to say when probably many fear for their lives and family’s.
What is going on in Ukraine now is not really a war it’s an attempt at extermination by the Russians which is horrific to say the least. Why would any sane person bomb hospitals and normal family homes is just a crime against humanity.
There can be no excuse as modern day missiles can be pinpointed with precision so the stray bomb excuse is a fallacy. They know very well what they are aiming at and why.

East Germany - please remember that the eastern bloc was defeated by the POLES who loved freedom, lost by the Germans and later taken by the USSR. “Solidarity” Poles stood against tanks, which is why they understand Ukrainians and support them most strongly in Europe. And now they are also fighting the Catholic - national PIS government

K__ling own army when they refuse to fight? Very unlikely. I know my opinion might not be popular here…

Of course the Poles were very brave too. Germans will never forget what they did in these time.

OSINT Insider


This Irish member of European parliament calls out the hypocrisy of “civilized world” - in most honest words possible.

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Of course they attack civilians on purpose. They want to cause Terror and demoralizing there. But it won’t work. Germans tried in WWII when bombing London and Coventry. The effect was resistance even got stronger.

His plan of a quick invasion destroying strategic military targets have gone out of the window. He cannot pull out of Ukraine as that would show weakness and how wrong his war was. So now we get to the ugly part of war, indiscriminately destroying structures even if they be civilians just to gain ground or k__l suspected enemy soldiers. If the war carries on we are going to have ravaged villages and towns as bombs after bombs rain down on the enemy. To k__l a few Ukraine soldiers a whole village might be destroyed but that is the realities of war. You just need to look at documentaries of the wars fought in the last centuries to see the utter destruction of property.

He can never conquer Ukraine so now he is inflicting ruthlessly damage to cause them to surrender.

Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka

Evacuation routes from Mariupol are mined, said Dominik Stillhart, the Red Cross director of operations. There is no escape from the Ukrainian city that faces a humanitarian catastrophe. Russian troops bomb the town every 30 minutes. This is a true definition of a war crime.

Yes but in past wars the bombing was just indiscriminate with no idea,within reason as to what they would hit. Bombing now is not indiscriminate but targeted and accurate so there is no excuse as to what they are trying to do.
They are just trying to obliterate Ukraine full stop but to their credit the Ukranians are putting up a b___dy good and effective fight thanks to the modern weapons they have been given by many nations.

Is Putin getting desperate?

Syrian Revolution Network شبكة الثورة السورية


Putin is seeking mercenaries to fight for Russia in Ukraine. Expect Assad, Hezbollah and Iranian militias to answer the call. bbc.co.uk/news/world-eur…

Even if the war ended right now the ukranians face years and years of rebuilding their country and infrastructure and many billions of £,$ to return to humanity.
The thought of it is just mind blowing whilst we just sit in our comfortable chairs and warm homes typing on a keyboard. My heart just b___ds for the Ukranian people. :cry:

How many times to you see or read about these so call smart bombs or missiles k__ling innocent civilians. Bombs are destructive and are fired by humans who make mistakes or have the wrong information. In this war as in other wars when Russians are fired on by Ukraines they fire in the general direction and of course hit civilians.