I think you are well off the mark there because as far as I have known Bluewinner he wouldn’t be that petty and is dead against these sort of things.
Why has he “hidden” half of my posts?
He hasn’t, someone has flagged them and after such time they are hidden and I think we may have a case of sock puppets here in multiple flagging.
How do you “flag” something?
As soon as I hit reply I saw the flag. So some (Timmy boy) can privately flag anyone they want?
Anyone can, but be warned that all flagging and the person that does it is logged by VHTV and as I said it is not for personal grudges but for serious breaches of forum policy and repeated misuse by a person could result in further action towards them by VHTV.
LOL not my doing, you just have too many fans here
If you look I did apologise to Kevin & Karina but my apology post got posted here which is a little annoying. Go back to post number 130 and you will see it!
And before you accuse Lennie boy, I can assure you it wasn’t me, I wouldn’t be so damn petty.
Thank you for letting me know it wasn’t you. Obviously it is a snowflake that if you don’t agree with what he believes in than you should not be heard from. I think if this person continues flagging me he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of VHTV punishment!
Question: Does a realm make money on the amount of comments they receive? More comments, more money?
I was impressed watching VHTV and realizing how Russian society is gay friendly.
We have seen acceptance among VHTV participants in Russia who invite their LGBT friends.
No, it only depends on the number of views, but the comments can help them gain views but attracting attentions.
So I wasn’t part of this argument but here’s my two cents on the couture trans women are men. And trans man are women. We only have two genders if your offended bc I didn’t call you “xe” that’s on you we need to push back on this nutty stuff. Some parents are now suing to let there kid use the litter box in schools this is just nasty and wrong. Let’s go Brandon
Fo real that’s messed up what they doin