There was another apartment where this happened with one of the onscreen clocks. It was the same year of 1970 shown on it too, funnily enough. I can’t now remember which apartment it was in though.
Really weird!
There was another apartment where this happened with one of the onscreen clocks. It was the same year of 1970 shown on it too, funnily enough. I can’t now remember which apartment it was in though.
Really weird!
Ich denke nicht
If the cameras are using Unix time and they haven’t been synced with real time Jan1, 1970 is what they will show
Cmmon Gina, you can do this. I believe in you
its not sticky anymore
Das ist das lustigste was ich seit langem gesehen habe
und sie gibt nicht auf
Typical Blonde
I don’t remember last time when i been laughing that much
Sorry, i shouldn’t, but it is too funny