Sorry, but if I want to speculate, I go to the stock exchange and not to the forum…
Man kann auch beides Nicht zu sehr an der Börse verzocken kann schnell gehen
Some of you should start a new topic called “The VHTV Conspiracies”. You will have a great time there.
Haha gute Idee
Thanks for the lecture. And thanks for the tip concerning Norway’s transit system. Next time I will be in Norway, I will save few crowns
Are they using chewing gum again for mounting the cams?
I think they had a party yesterday and someone got _____ and moves the cameras
What’s funny about that is I sent a ticket yesterday about camera 7
@jabbath1987 maybe the reason why the camera falls all the time is because Gina bumping her head to much
Was hoping Arina would join in but I guess not.
Edrym is there, probably finishing what Arina tried to start in bed last night.
Nooooo…please no. Not you as well…