Crazy House

I would prefer Dobby came back, but only after she has sorted her issues out.

me too… Dobby is the only reason I follow that nut house… Dobby and Estas should be put up in her own appartment with another more mature couple then I think it will be fine…That nuthouse way too many people (tenants and guests)

I guess when manager actually wants to make money with this place he needs to change the whole cast there…

Is it only me but has this place completely disappeared, not showing as Online or Offline.

It’s been bombed! :laughing: Too much drama!

No I think they are fully suspended. Good chance they are not coming back online unless issues are fully sorted out or with new cast

It wouldn’t surprise me if the neighbours complained as well.

Normal procedure when episodes of violence occur. the place is removed from list

exactly… let’s see if things will be sorted out

So now we have a bunch of teenagers who have no ways of earning money, the manager had no income. No more Vodka, Drive around some suburbs and see if the are new cardboard boxes being lived in.

let’s see maybe they get a last chance

Unless by manager (that i don’t believe) why a last???
It already happened worst issues on site in other apartments and they kept going

It was actually 3 times as @Sparkles said he kicked her in the back on the stairs after the kitchen incident, Dobby was taken downstairs and he was pushed into his bedroom, when he came out of his bedroom a few minutes later he instantly went to Dobby’s room to see if she was there, the apartment went offline shortly afterwards

So sad because one asshole everybody suffers, but that is the reality.

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He attacked her by her back in the kicthen… But this situation is way more dangerous.
This dude can only have s__t in his head to treat someone like this

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I wonder what caused him to get so pissed off with Dobby. People don’t get angry for no reason (and I’m not excusing his behaviour, he’s a prick and needs to be removed from the house if it comes back on line). It would just be good to get some more insight into why things kicked off so badly.

Teenagers and PLENTY of Vodka living in that environment, do you need any other reason.

If that was the case, they would be scr____g like this everyday, nah there’s more to it than just the _____, but the _____ doesn’t help.

Without knowing the language…
Klara&Karto arguing about something (could be related with dobby) in the kitchen cause she closed the door on him… and he was pissed and entered in the kitchen again where he attacked her without she was even expecting (the video) then i think dobby went to find klara, probably to say what he did, and he went after her and didn’t let her enter in bedroom… She come down and he did that

People act differently when _____, some are NICE _____s and you get your AGGRESIVE _____s. That dude is obviously the latter.

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