Not a thing that bothers me…
It’s between VH and Manager and after between Manager and Tenants
So, who fought just now?
Crazy house = crazy people = i dont miss this house. That’s what they deserved.
But Dobby was a colorite girl, miss her.
Не тот проект. Это в Спугазме поддерживали Дом2 драму. Тут только ванильный, никого не обижающий в ЕС/США контент. Отблеск дороги допинга в душевой кабине = бан, рукоприкладство = бан.
Бан это временное выключение по тяжелому нарушению. Добби или кто-там дрался заработал -500 долларов на франшизу (то есть отдавать будет менеджер без вариантов). За насилие раньше была прогрессия по рецидивам х2 (то есть следующий 1000). Также за насилие если это имеет мощный резонанс в комьюнити, вероятно снятие площадки с трансляции навсегда.
That Kartos guy needs to be kicked out. He attacked Dobby two times, and there is no excuse for his violent behaviour.
what happen last night i know that Dobby was crying in the garage
She was very lucky that was grabbing the handrail when he kicked her in her backs in the stairs
I wasn’t watching last night, just saw the short video that was posted here, and earlier I watched when he pushed her violently in the living room, and both time he just attacked her like a mad bull. that POS needs to be banned from the site, Dobby won’t be safe if he stays there. He is obviously not capable of managing his anger.
Was right after that kitchen moment that he followed her to the first floor
What a fucking moron. she could seriously get hurt if she had lost her balance and fell down the stairs
Agreed but as we said also before there is too much _____ing going on which prevents cooler heads… I believe also that if Dobby would _____ less she would not be in certain situation. VHTV needs in any case to have a good look at the composition of the tenants in this house…
No, I don’t think the _____ing was the problem. He was attacking her earlier last night when they were not _____, he was also violently screaming at her the other night when Dobby was trying to stop that little guy from _____ing more vodka. He is definitely the source of the problem here.
To be fair, I don’t think Dobby is ever sober, she _____s during the day as well as in the evening. There is no excuse for Kartos shoving Dobby the way he did, but Dobby is not entirely innocent. If you watch the way the evening/ morning unfolded and the arguments that went on in the garage, Dobby was provoking and egging Kartos on, but he tried to walk away, and when he did walk away she went after him. So there is fault on both sides IMO.
I don’t think they were _____ when they were arguing in the garage. Dobby was upset with him because he pushed her violently earlier and disrespected her in front of others. I did not watch the rest of it, but from the short clip that was posted here it’s obvious that he is the one physically assaulting her. I don’t care what she said to him, nothing gives him any right to raise his hand on her. I don’t agree with both sides are in fault argument. Kartos is the one responsible for this s__t and he needs to face the consequences. I hope we don’t see his sorry ass back in that house.
Dobby disappeared, Dolly showed up !
Well bad casting from manager site…
honestly don’t know if this situation is fixable… maybe there are only two solutions… either one of the two is gone… or they put Dobby in another house if this is possible… it is clear that after this incident Karlos and Dobby can’t stay under one roof… I am pretty sure if that house ever comes again online one of the two or both will have left already…hope they make a business decision… Dobby surely makes them more money that Kartos…
Dobby is never sober, she barely recovers from the previous day and she’s on the piss again. I think it is widely acknowledged that she just _____s too much and it plays havoc with her emotions! Kartos should be kicked out for his behaviour, he’s a jumped up twit. Dobby on the other hand needs to go away and sort her own issues out, and as much as I like her, lets be honest, she is a drama queen!