Crazy House

And I’m the former, I want to dance all night and have a good time! :laughing:

Why would u say last chance ? this is just the first issue with them
look at Scott he’s still online :frowning: they have been gun& knife shows and still back on
they’ll be back once things get sorted out!

I think there’s third type, the one that gets so _____ then breaks down in tears and then proceeds to tell everyone how much they love them! :laughing:

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That is the guy that _____s Gin. :crazy_face:

I hope Google has not changed the meaning when transferring
From what I understood, Carlos brought a bottle of vodka to the kitchen and drowned with the Clara and a high guy a guest and someone else. Then through the smoke, Clara came to the kitchen Dobby stands at the refrigerator. Clara said Dobby something about behaved fine and talk normally, Dobby flared on this occasion, Clara slammed the doors and went beyond the territory of the house. Carlos comes into the Kitchen Angra that you said Clara, he climbed into a fight to her. Then Carlos with a high guest began to dress up to go to Klara. Dobby stepped on a broken plate, a double drama began, Girlish Boy and a high guest tried to treat the wound on the leg, but she did not calm down and attacked Carlos at any convenient opportunity. High guest said yes, you don’t touch Sarlos. She sent him and he sent her. At the high guy, the guest was in a fight Girlish Boy, do not touch Dobby, there is a screen of Part 2, she tried them to stop the fight between them. High Guest went into the kitchen, I finished vodka and started going to leave. There 3 girls came down from the second floor and tried to dissuade him to leave, screen, they stand at the threshold to the street. They came out talked to sat on the bench. Girlish Boy appears and they leave to find out the relationship to the street. Clara appears. Dobby Angry on it that this is what it’s all because of you, begins to pull it for clothes and Clara is trying to free and leave then the people rose to the top and all intermission curtain

The short story, teenagers cannot hold their l____r and fight starts.

We say what kind of party without a fight :rofl:

Probably not the best translation, but I think I get the picture. :slightly_smiling_face:

I tried to choose the words so that Google would translate them correctly
if you say a regular speech, then it turns out at all a set of words not related

Can you give me a Russian version please?)

It was good enough, I was still able to make out what you were trying to say. :+1:

If they were smart, they would take advantage and close it now, because failure will not be long in coming.

Smart, you really believe there are smart people here? :rofl:

из того что я понял, карлос принес бутылку водки в кухню и бухали с кларой и добби и высоким парнем гостем и еще кто то. Потом через перекур, зашла клара на кухню, добби стоит у холодильника. Клара сказала добби что то про веди себя нормально и разговаривай нормально, добби вспылила по этому поводу, клара хлопнула дверями и вышла за пределы территории дома. Карлос вбегает на кухню взбешенный что ты наговорила кларе, если еще раз к ней полезешь я тебя удушу, доби не унимается и он полез в драку к ней. Потом карлос с высоким гостем начали одеваться идти искать клару. Добби наступила на разбитую тарелку, началась двойная драма, ей друг и высокий гость пытались обработать рану на ноге, но она не успокоилась и нападала на карлоса при любой удобной возможности. Высокий гость говорил да не трогай ты сарлоса. Она наговорила кучу матов и он её послал. На высокого парня гостя полез в драку её друг не трогай добби, там есть скрин парт 2 она их пыталась разборонить и сказала что вы оба меня заебали, вы все меня заебали отъебитесь от меня, между ними стоит скрин. Высокий гость зашел на кухню допил водку и начал собираться уходить. Там спустилась 3 девушка с второго этажа и пыталась его отговорить уходить, скрин, они стоят у порога на улицу. Они вышли поговорили посидели на лавочке. Появляется друг и они уходят выяснять отношения на улицу с высоким. Появляется клара. добби срывается на неё что это все из-за тебя, начинает её дергать за одежду а клара пытается освободится и уйти Потом народ поднялся на верх и все антракт занавес

smart in this _____en stupor, everyone had urine in their heads. We say urine hit the head

That’s exactly the impression I got as well, unknowingly to everyone klara was in the room (toilet?) next to the kitchen door in the entrance hall bottom of the stairs after she left the kitchen

Far too many hidden places in that place.

I love Google translate, it makes me laugh. But you have to think and try interpret it yourself, not always possible but mostly possible.

I use double translation, read what Google translated, and change the words to get the correct content

but not everything was as bad here as in the kazantip. There the dude was pumped out, he swallowed the wheels, and he could throw off his hooves