Crazy House

They are watching phones, nothing happens tonight maybe.

could be nothing happens Doppy prepared herself and put a proper pajama on but who knows…

well its clear thats she is here to how many guys she can pick up

good for us then…

but I don’t know if you noted she seems to be bi…

i not sure yet i think she likes cock more ,she is only teasing the girls

We all gave money, why these boring plots…

well Dobby is not boring thats for sure

Yep. I just hope something nice could happen.

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thats true well thing nice happen we get to see Dobby and her sexy body

you may be right

I agree this is far from boring go to…then you know what is boring

i think i have to take someone out of my all time top ten ,she is lovely

absolutely agree

RLC was a very good site i went on there before this site then i went to another i forgot the name something villa but this is lots more better ,more sexy girls and dare i say lots of redheads which i do like ,i do like Katia ,but to be fair so boring but she got money i sopose she be happy with that

i did say before i dont like girls with a lot of tatts but she is great


i was thinking ,why VHTV is keeping your link for another site

Guys or girls, she seems to be into both which is even better for us.

No, this is a new one. looks like he was friend zoned :smiley:

i wonder if they all knew each before they went in this house