there really needs to be another kitchen cam or angle the other one differently theres a really bad blind spot they keep hiding in
Is this guest in Jason’s room ? He’s the longed hair guy I believe
That’s the man himself, Jason
Was she a guest. Or has is she the one that was here the other day ?
She’s hot
@X192023 if you are talking about the girl in the living room that’s Frida, she is a regular guest with her boyfriend Foster. They fucked in Jason’s room last night.
Yeah. Didn’t look like her.
That seems like a regular appointment. Do they have nowhere else with a vacant bed on the weekend? I was surprised that they slept on the couch last night, as Jason was obviously on an all-nighter once again.
I think they are close friends with the residents of this house, so they visit them often and take advantage of the empty room there ( good for us ) . they probably knew that Jason is coming back at some point so they did not occupy his room. TBH I’d rather see them being replaced with Jason as that guy is utterly useless.
When will Estas come back?
is that the same guy with Dobby or another guy
another guy, I think
looks like another guy in my opinion
Too boring.