please dont do a Katia she been in bed most of the day
Will have to admit she does like that bed. Just wish she did more other things
Then s___p
That useless Jason guy is still there?
is she Katia reborn
she is been in bed all day
he is the male of Katia
Hope she is feeling OK
she started off so well
She will be fine. I believe will see lots of sexual relations with her
Not sure if the one bf or others or maybe some females.
But she seems to enjoy the cameras
She can’t be the entertainer all the while on here
thats true ,she is a good girl to us
unfortunatly the idiot guy c back hope he will not make her cry
Emili, Stayls & Lia left earlier with suitcase, they didn’t take everything so a vacation ? Looks like Frida has put some stuff in the wardrobes in the bedroom and changed the bed sheets so Frida & Foster probably staying for a bit.
Dobby went to s___p about 4am and woke up at 14:20, so she slept for 10 hours and 20 mins, which is longer than what you need but she has a long way to go to become another Katia. plus I think Katia is suffering from depression, but Dobby doesn’t seem to have that problem, she looks happy most of the times, she exercises and has healthy relationships with her housemates. Hence I wouldn’t worry about her becoming another Katia.
Yeah, He is the one who slept in Dobby’s room last night.
That guy didn’t do anything
no, nothing at all
thank you thats good to know