Cooper & Charlize

Exactly. They are being watched, and put under special attention. That is the part that I don’t see the point of. If they are not able to comply by the new rules, then they will hopefully be shut down quickly.
If they are able to comply, we can probably expect some very moderated behaviour. Either way, I would rather watch someone who is free to act like they want, not someone who is acting like they are doing because they were put under special attention. So for me you might as well have shut them down now.

Anyway. I hope there will be new, good, and less violent party-people in the future. Good luck to the managers. :crossed_fingers:t3:

Sir, did you see my post about making an example of them, and zero tolerance?

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ben kadınların dayak yediği bir evi seyretmek istemiyorum

Rather interesting when I called out the _____en a___e at Black and Peace, and everyone gave me s__t about it and dismissed it and tried to excuse it. And now here we are with this complete s__t show. Pretty sad. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

I wrote to support asking for a refund for the balance of the days I have on here and this is the reply I got.

Thank you for your email.
We are not providing refunds, which is written in Terms of Service. You accepted it when registered an account on our website.
**Voyeur-House does not provide cash refunds. **
Also, the CEO took the maximum possible measures in relation to these participants.

Best wishes,
Voyeur House TV Support

Well I will be boycotting this apartment. There is only one event that will make me watch this place and that being one day there is a knock on the door and the police storm in to arrest the 3 of them. I would break my boycott of watching this place to watch that, in fact I would be the first to request an archive of the event. I really did not read the fine print so maybe there is a clause that we will be f___ed to watch r__e and violence.

The 3 r____t would of course phone the @VHTV_CEO to get the an attorney and he being their biggest supporter of r____t and guys with violence against women will surely rush to the help. He would not support the victims no matter the BS he tries to sell us.

In prison they tell you violence and r__e is not tolerated but the the sad reality is it does and life carries on as usual. The only consolation for the r____ts is they would still be in a reality TV type of show but the cameras are security cameras watched by the guard.

The sickening and sad decision by the @VHTV_CEO to allow the r____ts to be back on VHTV is a slap in the face for all women who have gone through the ordeal of being r__ed and those who suffer from domestic violence. R__e and violence has no place being entertainment on the internet. BUT the demigod @VHTV_CEO has spoken and decided otherwise. How he looks the women he works with in the eye is beyond me.

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Always a chance they could have changed their terms of service, but I once asked for refund on the balance of my sub and they did it. They promptly banned my email as well, which is pointless, but still, they did it anyways.

e. Refund Policy

Voyeur-House does not provide cash refunds. We may, however, grant credits in the form of free some days memberships to resolve customer service issues. The billing system used by Voyeur-House or our authorized agents provides extensive credit card fraud protection measures and our Sites include many features to protect users from accidental charges. Therefore, refunds to your credit card will be provided only under the rarest of circumstances such as persistent technical problems originating with our equipment.

Is not wanting to be a part of a site that gives a safe haven to a r____t a “rare circumstance”. I suppose an arguement could be made.

Do you see a clause that states that r__e and violence are an acceptable form of entertainment.

Think it might fall under the “rare circumstance” category. I bet if you had a month or two left on your sub they’d do it, but they probably don’t want to lose your large chunk.

I think that they are worried that if they give me a refund there might be a lot more viewers who would ask the same.

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They have these people hooked and they aren’t the least bit worried about any sort of boycott or mass exodus. According to their little ticker, they sold 25 subs in the last 2 hours.

Bueno yo creo que ya deberíamos terminar con el tema como lo hicieron con otto y lola que no causó tanto revuelo no entiendo el por qué si prácticamente fue un intento de violacion y hasta obtuvieron su propio apartamento, la desicion ya está tomada cooper y charlize volverán, no hay nada más que hacer, si la víctima no quiere hacer nada al respecto lamentablemente es su problema, me parece bien que no puedan beber a_____l, y que sean multados por lo sucedido, pero repito no estoy a favor de ningún tipo de agresión ni física, verbal o sexual, pero si las víctimas no quieren hacer nada al respecto nosotros no podemos meternos más allá de eso, esperemos que no vuelva a ocurrir.

It is good to know who it is that you are actually dealing with though. Who you are paying money too and who your are giving away your time too. It was an eye opener for me when I realized this a long time ago. There is a facade the veils the ugly underbelly of this business. People don’t want to know and they don’t want to see it, but it’s there.

I have sat back and watched the opinions of all the Monday morning quarter backs.
VHTV_CEO, I respect your decisions on this matter and look forward to viewing MY choices of rooms . Thank you

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See what I mean. They don’t care and they don’t want to know. There’s a reason VHTV and its managers do their business in these parts of the world. This r__e issue is a perfect example why that is. If this had happened in any other civilized country VHTV wouldn’t be able to sweep it under the rug so easliy.

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I am glad that @VHTV_CEO has refunded me. I no longer have to support a site that views r__e and violence as entertainment. I will not thank him for the refund as that is the only thing he has done that is right. Good bye


Ok @VHTV_CEO I’ll see myself to the door now. Go ahead and do what you do best. Sweep sweep! I hope that one day karma finds you and pays you back for not standing up and supporting a woman who got r__ed on your site. I do wonder how you’d feel if she were your d______r, sister, or m____r. Anyways, I fail to see how you can stand to live with that, but clearly you’ve found a way. I think I have had enough of this filth. See ya!

From an article on the net, “What do they do to r____ts in different countries around the world”.

  1. India - Life imprisonment or death sentence
  2. France - 15 years to life
    3.China - Death sentence or castration
  3. Saudi Arabia - Beheading within days
  4. North Korea - Death by firing squad
  5. Afghanistan - Shot in the head or hanged
  6. Egypt - Death by hanging
  7. Iran- Death by hanging
  8. Israel - 16 years to life
    10.USA - Life imprisonment
  9. Russia - 3 to 6 years
    R____ts in Russia are usually sentenced to 3-6 years in prison. The jail term can go up to more than 10 years depending on the situation, such as if the person causes grievous harm and can be even higher (20 years) if it’s a rare case.

Charlize. Made the bath for her. And let it happen. She is just as guilty as anyone
And should be kicked off the project as well!

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