Cooper & Charlize

Wow. What s__tstorm.

I didn’t see the episode with r__e - I just didn’t like girl and I go to another channel.
All I heard at the beginning:

  1. She came to them from the second party.
  2. She _____ heavily at previous parties. Therefore, she was quickly dead.
  3. She reacted positively to apparently sexual jokes. There was something like - first a costume show, and then in bed and not in the ass.
  4. She is from Tajikistan. And she works in this northern city in few jobs.

About r__e - for Russians, the label of r__e is fighting victim. If you don’t fight, then you agree. Even police can say that. Where is your biomaterial under your nails? And bruises. Maybe you want to b_______l and earn 30-40 thousand rubles for closing case (guy/family guy)?

Fucking s___ping people is okay, for example. And I heard jokes on this project many times. That is - we are with you for 1-3 years - and here I am as___p, we are fined and bf/husband r____t??? And a lot of laughter. Even this VH rule looks pretty silly to many participants.

I wrote above in Russian (yeah 500 posts above) - here you need clear indication of what is not allowed. These guys have been _____ing every day since the 31st. Only straight logical lines work for them. That is, rule is not to fuck s___ping person. She doesn’t s___p - normal. Don’t fight - nobody fight. Well, etc.

I repeat - that for the EU/US - call SWAT. For Russians, everyday life is absolutely normal. But since they work for the EU/US and have money from EU/US audience, they must follow audience’s expectations and rules. Another project (I forgot what it is called) - with a lot of money and better equipment. They deliberately did Dom 2 with orgies. And they focused on violence, scandals, intrigues, fights - just like in Dom 2. As a result, audience did not accept this format and closed project.

Тут вполне логичная культура - потерпевший (по всем вопросам) пишет заявление. Если пишет заявление свидетель, то к нему возникает много вопросов, начиная от “Оно тебе надо???”, заканчивая “А не имеешь ли ты свой профит тут?!”. В любом случае нет тела-подтверждения от потерпевшего, нет дела.

Boss( CEO ) you got this wrong so far ,these guys took advantage of a girl (r__ed her ) we all saw this so they should be banned from having an apartment on this VHTV, unless you think they bring in to much cash and that is why we are all having this long drawn out chat we all saw what happened all you had to say to them is your out and so are your managers end of ,but no all you have done is fart around not knowing wether to have a s__t or buy a bowler hat ,get your finger out and do what we all think is right, best regards

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They will give 3 years at best and for good behavior he will be released in a year and a half, this is how it works

Возмутивший жителей Эстонии порносайт spygasm закрыт- ты про этот?

Wow, did I miss the biggest conversation ever about this event. 450 comments to scroll through. I am guessing you are in a no win catastrophe made from this situation. I can see your point of view too. For most of the members here, they are from a free western civilisation and the laws being around for the last century being more progressive faster than Russian laws, there outrage is justified. As far as the countries that have been slow in introducing equality among sexes, you will always have the trickle down effect of slow change in mentality versus law. This is sad but understandable. It’s mostly always among the poorest part of the population who are generally the most uneducated and most likely to dwell in their traditional upbringing. So, if women are considered less than, they will be treated like s__t/commodities and have no actual power. This is just a reflection of their environment. Our perspective of justification has no relevance to these people as they have no bearing on right or wrong like we do. It’s easier to train a dog to fetch than a cat. I don’t envy you in running a business with these situations.

If you are trying to make the point that Russia treats r__e too lightly then i think you are rather shooting yourself in the foot by including India China & Saudi Arabia in the above list.
Neither have wonderful records of human rights, particularly with relation to womens a___e rights.

I didn’t read that statement, but is there Taliban’s state included? :joy:

No but North Korea Afghanistan and Iran were also included in the list. if it hadn’t included France i might have thought it was a blueprint for how to a___e women.

That says quite a lot about white knights around here :joy:

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To all the judges and prosecutors here, what are you waiting for to report to the authorities. You witnessed what called “r__e”, right? Bring your indignation into line with your actions.

What we do not know here is the side of the “r__ed” person! So, evidently we can’t judge and decide. We all have to accept the decision of the management and act in accordance to our feelings. Everyone’s opinion and decision is heard (because I concider the viewers and participants as a community) and accepted, weather we agree or disagree.
There are many aspects which one can concider, product and customer, employees and management, social public or private and much more.
In the end, each one is responsible for his own choices and actions.

in the future i want to see here more of these


Bradley & Jennifer. may take over this place!
If not I hope A&A gets some good tenants… CC was ok just some stupid mistakes
and let things get out of hand…especially with the r__e incident
Charlize should have stopped it immediately instead of condoning it :upside_down_face:

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I don’t think Bradley or Jennifer will be taking that room because they were on here for a minute a while back and then they decided to leave so I don’t think they’re coming back no time soon

they’ve done a lot of vising there lately… and you cant keep Jen away
shes too much of a showgirl loves the attention 3rd times charms for them :heart_eyes:

I would love to see them again. They do not bring any drama…

Bradley and Jennifer also had their arguments, which I think had led to the exit at the time. But there was no violence and some parties.

Just bring back Juliet and Ruby back and i will be fine lmao, miss them and those times

that would be great. both beauties and good guests!