Cooper & Charlize

What happened with Cooper & Charlize ?

too much a_____l at the party

Are you now making the case that the girl was not r__ed? My understanding is that you determined that in fact the girl was r__ed and thus the penalties, short of reporting it to the police.

No. Youā€™re on my blacklist. We both know the reason. And itā€™s not to shut you up at all.

I can only promise to be Amy.

Then why? I should at least know that.

You suck some ā€œmyā€ assertions and inferences out of your finger, answer them yourself - you have a few more steps to take - answer your answers for me, respond to those answers, andā€¦ and so on. Why do you need a forum for this? You can do it internally, it will be faster. Ah, yes - the audience.


Itā€™s a forum about a sex site. Iā€™m just a person. You really canā€™t handle the ideas of one person here? A good forum needs friction.

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The problem is that your friction often devolves into r__e.
This thread today is an example of how you can have a constructive dialogue, even while in a stream of s__t. You, on the other hand, constantly show just the opposite example - how any constructive conversation can be turned into a stream of s__t.


Not always. Usually itā€™s the result of the efforts of people who hate me. You try making a point and then get hammered the way I do. Called a troll for just making a comment.

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I havenā€™t been watching you as long as other people who have interacted with you on another forum. But I, too, have studied your inimitable style quite a bit. All these accusations are usually absolutely justified. And even when theyā€™re not - itā€™s clear to everyone that the s__t suitcase is out there somewhere.

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I have passion and I love to follow lines of thought where they lead. I do it to learn more about what it is Iā€™m talking about and to learn more about myself. Iā€™m happy to say Iā€™m wrong when Iā€™m wrong. Honestly, you need a moderator, who is objective and independent of your most popular posters.

I make people think. I provoke thought. If I go overboard then call me out, but thatā€™s not what happens and it hasnā€™t for a long time.

Youā€™re safe in this thread, but itā€™s not about Amy. So stop being off-topic.

no no no we dont cal them trolls any more we cal them amyā€™s

and now im of to bed bye

Ok, then just do it and k__l me if you really think that all I am is a useless evil troll.

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@VHTV_CEO perfect example of what I have to deal with. I said nothing to this guy and you do nothing.

Iā€™m gonna get out of here now. But if, when I come back, itā€™s s__t in here, Iā€™ll do it.

sounds like you already have either way

In all honesty, I didnā€™t. It doesnā€™t surprise me though. Kaya is awesome at what she does and I can well imagine her as a trainer and leader in her own right.