Consecutive post limit now 2 instead of 5

Hey @VHTV_James and @kaya first of all Happy Holidays to you🥰. Is the consecutive post limit reduced to two by accident or on purpose? It was at five before.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to reduce it even further to two.


So the two post rule is a consecutive post limit? Down from five to two? Ok, then. All good. :slight_smile: :hugs:

Correct. That does seem to be happening although there appears to be caveats such as the user who opens the topic don’t have any post restrictions, staff and moderators don’t have limits either

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All good for me. No problem. :hugs:

Same for me, I have no issues with it either

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I recently changed it to 2 from 5 after observing people making consecutive posts with images for no particular reason. This should help people understand that editing previous post & adding the media/text they wanted to is as easy as making new posts.

Consecutive limits do not apply to topic starters, staff & category moderators.


We’ll need an answer for VHTV as I didn’t make changes, but I personally think it’s a good thing. People can edit their posts not spam 1 image per post

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In the Ariela & Sebastian topic, this new rule actually made sense today.
One of the haters from this apartment posted two posts, both of which have now been flagged and hidden, and it was seen that he was trying to post a third post, which the poor guy couldn’t do. :sweat_smile:

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I have not been flagged for a long time now. I have become a kind and nice guy who thinks before I talk. I suppose. :joy: :joy:

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Now when I see something good that other’s might like to see I will just keep it to myself.

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Might seem like a strange coincidence, but I happen to do the exact same thing. :hugs:

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good about time . some post are repetitive and there main purpose is to achieve fame on the leaderboard . lose that option and things will become more organised / just my opinion


Edits or additions to previous posts do not generate a new notification, so no one ever sees the edits or additions.

I’ve seen gobs of situations where someone posts a question and the answer to their question is in the post directly above their question.

People don’t read backwards unless there’s a notification to direct them to that edited post.

This is an unreasonable limit. Even five wasn’t enough.

There must be a better way to deter people from putting one picture in a post.

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I think it would be good to have it for topics in apartment section but lifted for topics in general discussion.

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What’s the point in editing a post that most people have already read and will not re-read on the off chance that it may have been edited?

If the 2 post limit is kept, then at least set the forum that so that it gives a notification for edited posts so people who follow that thread get notified that something new has been posted a post that they have already read.

I understand you wanting to avoid people posting 20 or 30 times in a topic in the space of 5 minutes. But I think restricting to only 2 consecutive posts is way too severe. I think 5 posts is a perfect level, allows people to say what they want to say put will prevent people from spamming.

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As I have said quite a few times before already. All fine for me personally and no problem. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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In order for a post to have to be edited later because of the 2-post rule, it is necessary that it is still the last post in the topic.
If someone else then posted a post, you can easily post two consecutive posts again.

In addition, edited posts are placed back at the top position among the current posts. The only thing missing is the note next to it that there is an unread post for those who have already read it.


But if I don’t get a notification that a post in a thread that I am interested in has been edited, how will I ever know to go back and look at that post?

Someone may be just editing their post to fix a typo, or someone may be editing a post because they want to ask an important question or alert people to something exciting happening in the apartment. Anything other than fixing typos should be allowed to go on new posts so that people who follow the thread know that there is something addition to read.

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Well, then with the next notification you just have to check whether the previous post was edited. That’s not user-friendly, but as long as VHTV puts more emphasis on not allowing users to post 5 posts in a row than on user-friendliness, you have to do something else…

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Actually that doesn’t happen. I edited my post a couple of minutes later added the second paragraph and it didn’t move to the top of the list. It still said 4m, which was when I made the initial post and not when I made the last edit.

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