Chaturbate / Webcam sites / VHTV rules

why are VHTV now allowing so many apartments to go on webcam sites we thought VHTVdid not allow this ,we thought VHTV was for members to pay to watch apartment exclusively members may just as well log into webcam sites and watch couples for free


Where was this explicitly said?

Yes we get to watch the participants lives in their apartments but surely what they do in their apartments is up to them?

And what if they do private or ticket shows? We are able to see them here without paying extra


Sollte verboten werden das die Teilnehmer dieses Projektes noch eine Webcam show machen den das rumgehampel vor dem Bildschirm ist keine gute Unterhaltung fĂĽr uns auf dieser Webseite :+1:

Ich sehe das etwas differenzierter, es sollte geschaut werden, dass das eine nicht das andere behindert.

Es gab schon Wohnungen, dort wurden Pornos oder andere Filme gedreht, nur sollten dafĂĽr nicht Kameras verdeckt oder abgeschaltet werden.

Auf CB sieht man z.B. eine Kameraeinstellung bei VHVT dann mehrere. Wenn aber z.B. fĂĽr CB die VHTV-Kameras zugestellt werden, ist das grenzwertig.

Zudem wĂĽrde ich sagen, wenn man vielleicht max. 1h Show macht und dann den Rest VHTV ist das schon ok.

Though we do not restrict webcamming as we can’t manage tenants lives, we do not also encourage it, for example never advertise webcamming or, for example, filming solo porn content with phone - IMO that looks absolutely the same and with all these lamps blocking view, etc itsn’t fitting our project. Also Max_Muster has already mentioned some of our no-no’s on that matter above


I agree with most of your comment but I don’t think time limits should be set as the participants should be free do live their lives as they wish

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For example this should not be allowed:


That was to be seen as an example… I wanted to say that you might see that it won’t be a pure CB apartment… something like that already existed…

Although the viewers vote yes, as an example…if the VHTV viewers think Flora is doing too much CB…they can just avoid the room…then Flora can decide what is more financially beneficial.

Well as I do not like or watch any webcamming I do not think it can be forbidden.

BUT the worrying fact is that the rule that blocking cams are not allowed gets more and more watered down.

Nowadays an entire view like for example in realm34 is allowed to be blocked as long as there is another camera giving the same view. This is big nonsense. Why place there a camera at all when they block it? There is no difference to blocking the respective cam with a curtain or turning it off completely.

This is a very worrying trend I see.

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Without attacking kaya and VHVT too much. The rules at VHTV are becoming increasingly blurred and there is hardly any clear communication about what is allowed and what is forbidden. What led to expulsion and banishment yesterday may already be tolerated/permitted tomorrow.

It also seems that the strictness and rules vary depending on the manager.

Fully agree. Let me give you an example: There was a Christmas tree blocking the cam in realm92 two nights ago. They had to remove it.
The people doing webcamming are not obliged to remove bulky screens from blocking the views.
The result is the same: Camera is blocked. Wether is because of a Christmas tree or a big screen.
So VHTV is supporting the webcamming this way by making extra rules.

Agree to that too. One example is that some places had to put cameras in the wardrobe and toilet (For example realm92) and other places do not (For example realm18 and realm52)
There is no clear rules about that visible at all.

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I know it is just an example and I do share your concerns about blocked cams but in relation to toilet cams, I’m sure you remember when there were no toilets in view either they were kept out of frame or blocked with a black box. Toilets are quite a uniquely private matter and should be up to the participant whether or not they are comfortable. There are no written laws or rules on the matter as far as I am aware

One of my favorite couples used to leave the tap on so they could be neither seen nor heard :laughing:

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Black box and sex on the toilet… where you only ever saw a fraction… :rofl: :joy:

I don’t need toilet cameras… but a manager surprisingly often goes as a group into the camera-free space, which is probably a toilet… :thinking: :innocent:

I fully agree to that. I am not the one demanding toilets to be seen.

And that is exactly the problem. There are no clear rules. realm92 had to put a camera in the toilet because of hiding and for example the same is happening in realm18 and they do not have to do it.
Also newly opened realm59 has a lot of hiding there.

There should be a clear rule for toilets and wardrobes: And not depending on the place we watch.

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You don’t have anything against one of the biggest VHTV managers, do you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I do not care about managers. They should all be treated equally. If it comes to hiding and blocking cams. No matter the reason or manager or tenant.

Rules should be the same for everybody. Other than that it is not fair and it becomes biased.

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Good thing I didn’t _____ tea just now…

It has probably been rebuilt now…

So as for now (2023-01-10) we have some interesting examples here where the rules are not clear:

Hiding from cams:

  • Liya Anomalia (realm92): Constant hiding in toilet. They have to put a camera in toilet and wardrobe room
  • Henry & Gerda (realm18): Constant hiding in toilet and wardrobe. I got told they won’t put a camera in there
  • Vincent & Jovanna (realm52): Constant hiding in wardrobe. I got told they won’t put a camera in there
  • Ally (realm81): Constant hiding in the front yard. No camera put there

Now on covering / blocking cams:

  • Liya Anomalia (realm92) Camera blocked by tree. They need to remove it
  • Flora (realm1) Camera blocked by screen. She needs to remove it
  • Bert & Rissa (realm36) Camera completely blocked by many screens. They are allowed with the stupid excuse that other cams give the same view. Which makes no sense. Because if that would be the case why install there a camera at all?

There is no clear-cut course visible here. Rules are not same for every place


Regarding Realm 52, are you sure the greyed out room is not a toilet?

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