Changing cameras when in full screen mode

I wonder if anyone thinks, it might be an improvement if you could change cameras while watching in full screen mode. To me, it would great if you could change the camera of an apartment without closing the full screen mode everytime. Maybe something like a menu on the left or the right side of the screen that works similar than the previews. No preview picure needed though, just a simple link or something. What does everyone think?


That seems a quite good idea and option to be available, i don’t use much the full screen especially because i like to be changing the angles quite often.

Something like a “mouse over” option that would show the cam list on that realm


This is definitely in our plans. Thank you for expressing this idea.

I wouldn’t hold your breath on this happening anytime soon as I made the same request a couple of years ago and got the same answer.

Well yes, we have quite a lot in development plans before we will be able to even plan this idea ahead.

Instead of a popup menu, I would have liked a feature like they have at RLC, where you can switch camera by using the arrows on the keybord. And shift+arrows to switch apartment. It comes in very handy at RLC, but it would be even more useful here, where you have to scroll up and down on the apartment list. There are also a couple of apartements where you have to scroll down to see the full list of cameras as well. It is a pain to navigate.

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Keyboard shortcuts will definitely be included in the core of this feature.

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A post was split to a new topic: Show timeline in full-screen mode

2 posts were split to a new topic: Add motion detections to website

Don’t waste time, they won’t listen to you.

Splitting the topic to several feedback requests now.

Two separate ideas were given corresponding topics. Kindly asking everyone to keep the discussion within topic. Every idea may matter, please share them separately.

@VHTV_James thanks for your reply! I really look forward to this as i think this would be a great improvement of the usabilty of the site

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Thank you for your support. Please consider voting to this feature at the top of this topic’s page.

Well worth a vote (and I have just done so)…and I commented on this being needed as a site feature, in the other thread we had running on this subject. :slight_smile:

Appreciate that. Thank you. For most users Voting may be the easiest way to express their support of the feature. For those users who comment the feature, voting is recommended too, as this is the metric we will rely on when planning new features ahead.

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Yes, that makes perfect sense. I look forward to seeing what happens to this idea.

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i would like to bring this up again as i think it would be great not having to quit the full screen mode to change the cams. @VHTV_James is this feature still planed for the future? If yes, is there any indication when it might be online?

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I remember this has been asked for a few years ago so if I were you I wouldn’t hold my breath on it happening any time soon.

I just checked and my last comments (as a result of those made by VHTV at the time - and not since) were back in August last year so I think you might have a point, sadly.