Show timeline in full-screen mode

I wonder, could we also have the timeline available (or at least given as an option that we can choose to have or not) in full screen mode as well please?


This has been discussed before, we also got similar user requests via support for a long time. This is in our plans.


Thank you so much for acknowledging my idea and replying to my post about it. I appreciate that.


It would be great to have the time navigation bar when in fullscreen that appears and disappears when we slide the mouse on the lowest part of the screen. That way it would be a great time saver instead of continuously navigating between fullscreen and normal display when looking to see what happened in the last hours.

I concur. great idea .

Surely it doesn’t take this long to implement @VHTV_James ? This request was made 10 months ago and I think I speak for one and all of your premium subscribers when I say we want it to happen.

Thank you for reinf_____g the original point of my topic. Much appreciated. :hugs:

And there should be also an option to forward and backward videos by keyboard button in timeline…… we have to click each dotted points to view scenes…. and sometimes within seconds we miss important scenes…. Or they can use any other media player like SBS player, Flowplayer etc.

The way to avoid missing things on the timeline, is simply to click the dot that relates to the minute before the activity you want to view. That way you will always get to see the bits you want. You have to use the plus and minus buttons (on the timeline itself) to expand and contract the graph bar to do that.

Yea…! But the scene which we like we have to wait for that moment…. if they will use video player which is also compatible with keyboard buttons then it will be easy as videos can forward and backward at 5sec speed…

Yes that idea does make sense, I agree.

An increase/decrease playback speed would be nice too, but if it takes this long to implement the timeline on full screen then I will not hold my breath.