Now she has to get a name. It was she who helped set up this “studio”!
Has Gevorg only become chairman?
I have already suggested Bente. She reminds me of a girl with that name from back in the day, about 40 years ago
It’s common Scandinavian name, so it should not be to weird a name here.
It’s a good name. It would be nice if we could get a name where you don’t have to break your tongue to pronounce it!
To be fair, the most cunning tongue twisters here are forum members. There’s a few ones that are far out…very far
Not including us, of course
The 7th camera in the bedroom hasn’t been working for quite some time now by the way.
Boring guests like always
That is easy to fix. Watch a different Realm.
By the way guys, any idea of a pseudonym for this boy?
He’s in the realm every weekend now, he should have one.
“Quentin” would suit him
How about Tintin? Got sort of a nice ring to it.
Both Quentin and Tintin suit him very well. Carolyn and Gevorg never post in this thread, do they? The best solution would be to ask him which name he prefers.
just ask @jabbath1987 if he warrants a name and then make a suggestion if he says so
Our “fuhrer” It hardly matters anyways…
nah @HuakinthosRenouvin asked if the guy could be given a name , and its ussually jabs that ask for suggestionss then adds them to wiki if they deserve/earned a name , thats all