
Yeah, the last time more like a pump&dump.
She’s a good looking girl and they should more time and energy into banging her :sunglasses:

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All i can say is that it has to be for money, can see no other favourable attibutes :sweat_smile:
Bet he hasn’t seen his dick for years without looking in a mirror :roll_eyes:

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i missed that . how did she climb ontop .please say she mounted like this
giphy (2)

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His name is Tiny

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If light hearted, I accept that and have withdrawn my emoji accordingly - no need to delete your comment at all

I just get tired of people basing their opinion of someone based on a physical attribute. In the same way, peoples attitude toward Derek’s penis size is so immature. People are the sum of their parts, not a specific attribute. As the lady said, a woman’s most erogenous zone is the area between her ears!

And yes, I laugh a lot! Body like a God me - the God in question being Buddah…

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fair dinkum bud no hard feelings ,ive deleted my comment anyway :100:

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Sonst geht es dir gut ja? @robwin sowas von diskriminierend das Geht mal gar nicht.

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Those pple are pathetic!

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Girls get together time… :shallow_pan_of_food: :two_hearts:

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Let’s do lesbian

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Here’s hoping for a great evening for the girls :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Men think about lesbian sex. What I see when so many women get together.


Don’t hold yer breath pal i would like seeing you here tomorrow :wink:

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It seems that according to @AmberHoster and @robwin I’m the odd one out here. I was thinking more in line of a friendly gathering for the girls, smiling, giggling and exchanging stories about all the glad and grumpy guys they’ve met.

And perhaps a little tupperware along the way :wink:


Memories of another era with the gatherings now all of the Internet fantastic picture

Believe it or not, many decades ago, I actually sold Tupperware. I’m not sure if I was the only guy selling it at the time, but it was fun. Didn’t make much money at it.

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Say what you mean pal i shan’t be offended, promise :rofl:

So you’re another of those sad tupperware buggers along with @letsdothis :wink:
I know back in my youth it was the in thing to hold these tupperware parties, everybody then seemed to organise them, was like a b___dy disease going round :joy:
Though eventually every manufacture ended up making similar stuff and think it finally finished them off.
Whether they are still going god knows.

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A lot of semi packed bags in Camiles room i fancy, not leaving is she?