
I thought I saw Rufina there earlier today when I checked in momentarily, but maybe I was wrong. Now I’m seeing 5 guys and a new girl along with Camille - are they warming up for a gangbang later on??? Or did I miss it?

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:smiling_imp: :wink:


No doubt she’s one of the most beautiful lady here :blue_heart::white_heart:

Rufina was not here…. 1 new beautiful couple :heart_eyes: and new guest girl :heart_eyes: and guest guys were here for a normal party…. Will never do such type of wild parties like Camille did….:wink::sweat_smile:

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That must have been the new guest girl I saw just briefly. Yeah, I saw where they sent out for pizza and just ate and danced. Oh, well. At least Camille got a quickie fuck from Will in the kitchen. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

He was not will…. He was Will’s friend who fucked Camille. Will was s___ping in living room I know they look a like little…:sweat_smile:

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Jim Carrey Reaction GIF


Game On Fighting GIF by Shalita Grant

Good to see Will again invited guest and did party….:+1:t2::hugs:

Oh, well that makes it even better as far as I’m concerned - the more guys she fucks the more I like her!!! :heart_eyes:

Me gustaría ver a una pareja de hombres gay en este lugar, me interesaría el comportamiento de will con esos chicos

Not possible pal…! :sweat_smile: Will is not gay…

No dije que lo fuera, dije que me gustaría ver una pareja gay, y ver como will se comporta con ellos, y de todas formas el único que puede decir si es posible o no es will

The naked male

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What in some sort of social experiment?

"Will he turn bi will he stay straight, the future’s not ours to see

Qué será, será

Whatever will be, will be

The future’s not ours to see

*Qué será, será

What will be, will be"* :wink: :laughing:

the Rufina is back :smiley:

Rufina :hugs::hugs: missed you…:face_holding_back_tears: