


Oops, My Turn. I need to empty mine out too. He may be having SuperOrgasms. He is very concentrated on activities of the crotch. Almost Possesed with passion. _____ lots of water B4 cumming. She doesn’t mind at all, she Loves his Passion because it’s all for her and she’s soaking it up. Backside to the Future !



Rufina was gone

does anyone know what s going on Rufina took her things and left . Will was cleaning up and now he left too,moving or the end of the project

She doesn’t live there and there could be many reasons like a holiday or short break, doesn’t always mean doom and gloom. :laughing:

Right, but the mood was not the best, least to say…

How do you know that can you speak Russian?

In my very limited Russian, when she is leaving he says ‘Do skoorva’ which means ‘see you later’.

Unfortunately no. But the body language and facial expressions…

That’s just them being them and they have always been like that ever since they joined.

i think you re right

probably Will went to her ,maybe he dosen t want to be in front on the cameras anymore

Too much supposition for me, he definitely said see you later and maybe she was just sad to be going back home - OMG you’ve got me doing it now. :laughing: :laughing:

As I said she doesn’t live there and comes and stays for a week now and again.

now she had been more than a week

Well, universities have broken up for the summer and I not going to get into maybes as you see it far too often on this site, and then magically they suddenly appear. Seen it sooooo many times here. :slight_smile:

But if you wish to live on the darker side of things then fill your boots. :hiking_boot: :hiking_boot: :hiking_boot: :blush: :blush:

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when you heard see you later i checked it and i didn t hear it.what do you mean with these shoes

I will bow to your superior knowledge of Russia then. :wink: :laughing:

to nie o to chodzi tylko po prostu tego nie slyszalem moze mi umknelo a rosyjski znam tylko ze szkoly

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Tak słyszałem, ale mój rosyjski jest o wiele gorszy od polskiego.

moze zrozumiales cos z rozmowy kiedy lezeli na kanapie przed wyjsciem bo mi sie wydaje ze mowili ze nie chca sie rozstawac