
it has nothing to do with the stream and a bandwidth rate have spoken access to watch the cameras where they are placed

No one is talking about the stream or the bandwidth rate here, so I have no idea where you are getting that from.

I had an IPTV company for 15 years so I do know a lot about this area and all they have in the apartments are cameras and a relay box, which in simple terms, transmits the stream to a local server in a data centre and then onto VHTV who do the encoding and then pump it back out to the viewer.

The only other people who have access to the streams are the ‘moment operators’ who can watch up to 48 hours in the past and copy some of the footage to put into ‘Clips Gallery’, no one else has that access, including the participants.

All the participants can do is reset the cameras to the correct viewing angle by looking at the same screen which you do and adjusting the angle and this has been seen many times when Stifler sets up cameras in a new place as that is all he does connect and set, nothing else as he doesn’t have access to that.

I am afraid this is a case of: ‘the pot calling the kettle black’, as you downvote and insult everyone who tries to tell you the truth, and sadly that says an awful lot about yourself.

A little bit of advice @Cyril179961 people love intelligent debate based on facts not supposition as that is what a forum is about, friendly debate, maybe try and give it a go, you never know you may like it. :wink: :laughing:

[quote=“ukpolska, post:221, topic:15982”]
nothing else
[/quote]I’ve seen before he can add the black boxes.

1 Like

They are relays, not data recorders and the only way this could possibly be done in the apartments is to have a server rack taking in 3GB of data per camera per hour recording of raw uncoded HD content, and say you store that on a 24-hour loop, no little black box could store that amount of data.

so much easier to to respond to people because you had
diolque interesting you I don’t find any suppositions
this is invalidation

ukpolska people like you who knows everything knows everything he knows nothinwho interferes in everything without knowing the cause

butt, tthey really do good their job…


a little break



So what I think you are trying to say is that I interfered with you giving people the wrong information and you want to carry on giving people the wrong information? Is that correct?

I would kindly request that you write to me in your own language as it is extremely hard to understand you, Thanks.

that you stop polluting forum with texts that everyone is crazy the guy who says me I people who know nothing who takes care of everyone pollutes all vht forum your private life keep for yourself

Well it may surprise you but it is a forum where people post things and factual information is so cool. :laughing: :laughing:

yes you understood like me

Try it, it’s fun :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

yes you have understood like me useful information people who care about your private life like to talk about kingdoms not about you

Sorry but that makes no sense, I will PM you in the morning, to see if we can work it out. :slight_smile:

i hope she understood that she must not touch the camera i saw what read forum
that everyone reports if the camera is hit :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Back to work.





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