Best Authors Giveaway 🏆 Get rewards for your most-liked posts!

Welcome to our newest VHTV Community Giveaway!

:gift: Get FREE Subscriptions by collecting the most reactions to your posts. The rules are simple:

  • Receive 15+ positive reactions to your post [1]
  • Contribute, don’t flood.
  • Staff, Operators, Participants, Managers are not eligible to participate in this giveaway
  • Follow Forum Guidelines

:checkered_flag: The results for this particular round will be announced on 2024-04-05T00:00:00Z

:game_die: We will reward up to 20 authors who collected the most amount of positive reactions to their posts with free VHTV Subscription Days or VHTV Coins [2]

Have fun!

  1. Excluding :man_facepalming: & :angry: reactions ↩︎

  2. Counting only posts with 15+ positive reactions ↩︎


Negative reactions lead to deductions or do only positive ones count? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Just positive reactions count :slight_smile:


15+ is quite sporty … these must not be critical postings … the advantage is rather sexy pictures …

So the harmony weeks have been proclaimed (no, I didn’t mean a participant with that name).

Addition: Please never enter the competition to see who awards the most hearts … as the forum user @Eros could never be beaten here … :innocent:

Even with @Eros commitment, there is a place for 19 other users to get rewarded :slight_smile:

Last week, there were 23 unique posts qualifying to rules of this giveaway :slight_smile: It’s as sporty as fun and diverse


Would be at the front of most …

Need to fetch some stats on top facepalmed posts…

Calculate Figure It Out GIF

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Ohh…en este mar de posteadores seriales y fotos de chicas bonitas, voy a tener que esforzarme mucho jaja


New competition idea, “Guess who has the most facepalmed posts”


I think this was once published by VHTV …the status at that time. :joy: :rofl:

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Maybe VHTV will make a special section: “newcomer” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


To VHTV, stuff & Members

I will not be participating in the contest for 2 reasons
1.I want to give the 20 place just in case I win to someone who needs the extra days more. (Even if I do post some pics because it’s my hobby) I’d rather give them to an oldest man here or as VHTV judge.
2. I want to support the Realm 8 Amelie & Lucas
for everything they are going through and for all the unfair situation for the people of Ukraine. !!
PS @Max_Muster I’d prefer your recommendations to be keep to yourself…… as well my name tag


I completely agree with you about Realm 8 Amelie & Lucas.

As for the other one, why don’t you look at it with a smile?

If you read it again, it was about a (possible) competition about the person who gives out the most hearts. You seem to see everything with hearts … Whether it’s a picture, criticism, praise or even just a joke in Russian …

This has nothing to do with the current competition, which is about which post has/had over 15 positive reactions …


So shall I be the best author heree??:smile:
Be positive pleasee😂


Don’t move back. Move Forward. Meaning… Don’t move back to the past. Move forward towards the future.


I believe that sex has one language😉 but I recommend to offer subtitle in english to understand what is saying along the day❤️


What happens if you instead choose to move neither forwards or backwards, but instead to the side? :thinking:


All these recent and more often competitions seems to smack of a little desperation creeping in :roll_eyes:

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I don’t blame them you have to do something to keep the shack going…


Easter is this weekend, I would like to know what your traditions are in your country?
We in France, we have to hide the chocolate eggs and find them (don’t do like my m____r who put them outside in the heat :rofl:)
and then who will finally tell us who arrived first?!
the egg or the chicken? :joy:

you have 24 hours :sweat_smile:

good weekend to all.

Happy Easter Bunny GIF