The chicken was first, cause the eggs as we know them came from a process of artificial selection, the chicken just evolved from a dinosaur or something like that.
You miss the target
En Argentina la travesía es caminar buscando ofertas, ya que el cacao está muy caro y la que los esconde no sería nuestra madre sino el comerciante, que te pone los más costosos adelante y los más baratos, al fondo de la estantería.
Eso sí: nadie puede decirte que no te da adrenalina.
Este video es del año pasado: dos mujeres peleándose por una oferta de huevos de pascua. No es fake, así que podría decirse que esa es nuestra tradición.
Apparently there are crazy people all over the world…
in italy it’s much easier just ask for a mortgage and then you can buy whatever you want…everything in my country costs three times as much as it did before the war…(which of course I don’t think the problem is the war is just an excuse for our politicians to raise the price)
Lo más gracioso, o lamentable - ya no lo sé - es que la misma discusión se dio hace poquito…¡por una bandeja de carne en oferta!
En Argentina se ha echado la culpa a la guerra de Ucrania por la suba de precios. ¡A Ucrania! Sí, es de no creer. Así que te entiendo cuando decís que los políticos usan cualquier cosa como excusa para subir precios.
You are the best
Eat simnel cake
The simnel is the traditional Victorian Easter celebration cake. It is a light fruit cake with a marzipan layer in the middle and a marzipan layer on top, and it is decorated with 11 marzipan balls, or eggs, representing Jesus’s disciples minus the traitor, Judas Iscariot.
The simnel cake is then grilled for a short while and can be decorated with cut wild flowers to serve.
Like so many of our traditions, the simnel cake seems to have originated in Germany and been popularised in Britain by the royal families.
I don’t even know if the rummage tables still exist today. I haven’t been going to department stores for ages. But I used to see them in Germany during the WSV (winter sales) or SSV (summer sales). Good manners and everything else are completely out of the question.
A nuestro favor (de los argentinos) prometo que también hay gente con buenos modales. No todos somos tan bárbaros
Of course! I believe you straight away.
The way you phrase it, one could conclude that such people are in the minority
Léase que puse: no todos somos “tan” bárbaros. Creo que fue un acto fallido jajajajajaja
15 reactions on a single post or in total?
More than 15 POSITIVE reactions to one post.
Additional tip: Take (cute) cat pictures … that beats any sex picture or detail shot, no matter how beautiful …
see here:
I feel a certain resentment here.
no not at all …
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