@David don’t look, I don’t want to corrupt you
How about a compromise then? I will look at it with my eyes closed!
Thank you for creating the post for me.
Just looking at her I am not sure if she is shagging, or getting ready to go shopping for paintings down the Champs Élysées
Угадали😄 или нарисовать их самой
Did you mean to reply to ME with this comment? My comment related to a picture of a naked man on a bed (as sent to me by someone else) and you referred to a woman.
Not sure if that was meant for me or not.
Sorry, it was meant to relate to everyone, but I don’t know how to do it, so I did it on the back of yours.
I just found it funny how she was dressed up like some Parisian Artist, to get laid
Ну, это было бы лучше, чем трахаться.
No problem, thank you for letting me know.
After the last post and the post count, there’s a blue button on the right that looks like a backward arrow. Press that button and it opens a new post box that’s not directed to any person in particular.
I’m using the mobile version of the forum, so your layout will probably look different, but this should give you an idea what to look for.
Всё ради катарсиса)
Ну…Вӗсем ҫакна нумай илеҫҫӗ, енчен те ҫак ҫын хӑйӗн пенисӗпе татах вылять пулсан, вӑл ӳкет :0)