
I agree something is change here from before…. :disappointed_relieved: now they came here for eat shower and s___p…:confused:

You are always asking for real life and participants doing things without scripts or input from viewers. Now you have it, but you don’t like it?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m just saying they spent most of the time outside of the apartment…:joy::joy:

Hey!!! Who put cameras in my house??? :angry:

Man, also nobody wants a script realm anyway - but they don’t want such a dead realm either, that’s the problem with the project right now,

either script realms,
pornstar realms,
webcam realms,

  • or realms that only use Hotel like this house…


voyeurism is the fundamental component of this site. Like many things, some may like certain situations, others may not. Surely I too would like to see these two splendid girls go and do beyond what they are showing us, but personally I also like to look at them in the moments when I s___p in the house, look at their bodies, their faces, then it is clear if they would show something else I would certainly be happy, but I remind everyone that there are houses where they can easily see what they are looking for, it is clear it is only my personal opinion and I do not expect it to be shared by everyone,

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Has there always been a camera on the balcony? I noticed it first now.

There has been a loggia cam for quite some time, but I don’t know if it was there when the apartment opened.


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What is your point here?

I did not understand what you said? - What are you getting at?

I did not understand what you said? What are you getting at?

You didn’t?

It was in reference to your comment:

here and reading? (You last entered in 2 September ) I don’t think so, Auriel, don’t get me wrong, but the only thing I’ve seen in this house in the last 3 months is; You come in the evening, s___p, get up in the morning, get dressed - leave the house, and in the evening again, the same “loop”, and same loop and same loop… little example, when was the last time you turned on the TV?

It wouldn’t be wrong if I say briefly that you use the house we see only as a Hotel

I sense a sarcastic tone toward this tenant. I wonder what is your motivation?


Dude I really don’t understand what you’re saying? and what do you want to do , I don’t know where your head lives. :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: and your out-of-place creation of polemics right now…:man_facepalming:t2: :man_facepalming:t2: :man_facepalming:t2:

( adding; Auriel is one of the most diverse tenants in the project for me, I would never give a negative about her )

even the participant here has left this ship - this polemic & it is not healthy… :+1:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

I’m not sure you’ve quite grasped the meaning of the word ‘polemic’, which is…

“a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.”

ZF didn’t attack you in any way, let alone strongly. He merely asked you a simple question.

I agree, she is, but your post that ZF quoted seemed pretty negative to me. Seemed like a big complaint.

Polemic: A strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.

Polemic??? I don’t expect my communication crossed that way. Please read again. I like to discuss the matter constructively here.

Auriel’s posts here are kind and respectful. I admire her personality. She is entitled to choose her lifestyle and I think it is a privilege form me to see here personal life here.

She is free to live however she likes. Not sure why we should question her s___p and work habit.

What is the motivation for questioning her lifestyle? Is there any expectation for her to change her work and s___p habit so us (viewers) get see more of Elon + Claudia type of action in this place? If yes, that would be wrong.

I personally like this apartment the way it is. I admire Auriel’s kind personality, her athletic lifestyle and her work habit. I can’t thank her enough for sharing some of her most private moments with us here.

I would not say the same about bunch of cam girls in the other apartments _____ing/smoking all day as I watch them gaining wight every month. I don’t criticize them, but I don’t admire them like Auriel.

I hope you don’t see this comment as “Polemic”.

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you are still talking in vain and it is unbelievable that you have the brain to perceive an article from days ago as an attack and it is a pity, especially I do not reply to the person above at all (and there is someone who supports him :man_facepalming:t2: )

you are talking nonsense because you found someone who supports you, how many hours later did you reply (perhaps you can also have a side account for support i dont know but one of the accounts was set up at 5 aug 21 - the other at 6 aug 21 :face_with_monocle:)

  • please I don’t want to ignor you, let’s cut this “polemic” with peace cause it’s going to ridiculous places or all of our conversations will should go “s__thole” :+1:t2:
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