
Why callher a bitch? Has she treated you in that way?

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You must have had a good upbringing of c___dren, with so much respect for women ā€¦ :man_facepalming:

Dear sir, what is the object in your profile picture? It is a bit strange looking, and I am not sure what it is.

I feel sorry for you

His d______r will be extremely pleased with such name. Of course, when he finds a cum bucket that will even let him flog her.

Look at his profile picture, who wouldnā€™tā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Not such jokes when Iā€™m _____ing tea right nowā€¦ who now cleans the monitor ā€¦ :joy:

Scoff Charlie Pickering GIF by The Weekly with Charlie Pickering

the other guy fucked her without a condom

why donā€™t let this guy?

Why donā€™t you ask her in a correct manner? Thatā€™s if you have it of course

He canā€™t even tell the twins apartā€¦

You just spoiled the fun :rofl::rofl:

Well look what head he is using to think with. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hi we often run and go to the gym we are glad that you like us but in real life we have a lot of work and a lot of things to do but we like it when you like us


Actually Iā€™m here and Iā€™m reading your messages dear


If you know guys in age suitable for military service urge them to leave the country. They are drafting basically randomly men. They even took students directly from their dorm rooms.
Georgia right now is the best option. And they should act fast as you never know how long the borders will stay openā€¦

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Personally I donā€™t need to see things that if I really miss them I could go to porn sites, of you I appreciate the boundless beauty, you have two bodies that seem drawn by how perfect they are, two beautiful faces and best of all, you donā€™t need to perform in the most intimate moments of your day. You always like me, when you eat, when you wear make-up, and even when you clean the house, beauty shouldnā€™t be flaunted and you grandm____rs really need it ā€¦ kisses from Italy

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here and reading? (You last entered in 2 September ) I donā€™t think so, Auriel, donā€™t get me wrong, but the only thing Iā€™ve seen in this house in the last 3 months is; You come in the evening, s___p, get up in the morning, get dressed - leave the house, and in the evening again, the same ā€œloopā€, and same loop and same loopā€¦ little example, when was the last time you turned on the TV?.. :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

It wouldnā€™t be wrong if I say briefly that you use the house we see only as a Hotel. :+1:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2: