I like the idea of modesto with a picture from before.
Why don’t we bridge the time until the apartment is online again with a kind of best-of from your private archives (you can’t convince me that you haven’t created a photo collection…)?
i’ll start with the first second pic i ever saved from her:
That was 2 days after I created my account. And anyone who looks closely at the date and compares it with today will see that I yesterday (it’s just after midnight here) had my 2nd anniversary
edit: the picture I thought was the first was actually the second.
My actually well thought out system of file names is of no use if you make a mistake with the date and write 17 instead of 07.
Here comes the real very first picture (which is now also correctly named), taken 2 years ago today::
Yo hace dos meses que estoy en el foro (sé que les parecerán mil años porque opino en cuanto tengo oportunidad jajaja) y no tengo ni galería de fotos, ni videos, ni nada por el estilo porque soy una abuelita pacata que no conserva esas cosas. Lo que sí tengo, es buena memoria. Y muchos recuerdos. Y entre esos recuerdos, es que la primera imagen que vi de ella (o de su departamento para el caso) aún tenía el árbol de navidad armado.
Y me dije:¿en Rusia todavía es navidad o qué onda?
My favorite Ariela pic, from when the ceiling cam was kind of new. And as I’m more of a video poster, I’ll also throw in my favorite Ariela video. Same camera.
Good to see everybody getting on so well together
By the way, you guys don’t actually keep all your piccys do you? Really? Wow.
The is sure dedication to the cause.
I do keep the originals of all the videos that I upload. Pictures not so much. For the post above I only refered to the original upload address of the picture, but then some automated routine changed it to a lower res version. So I searched my machine for all image files from that timeframe, found that the original pic was still there, and edited the post, re-uploading the full size pic.
Lucky that I still had this one, as now, looking at it after more than a year, I think the colors of the bedsheets and towels look a bit cheap, maybe it looks better in some sepia black and white, similar to the video…
It’s crazy all these people incapable of expressing themselves other than with the help of a drawing or a gif of which they are not even the author, and this is not limited to this page by the way.
It feels like we’re back in the days of hieroglyphics… Maybe it’s time to learn to write, guys!
apt still offline the idiot must have done more damage then cut just some wires a good electrician would have cams up and running before now unless there something that Ariela doesn’t want us the viewer’s to know
Tal vez este tiempo fuera ella esté evaluando si quiere seguir en el proyecto. O puede que los electricistas estén cobrando mucho por trabajar un fin de semana.
Turned out those rabbit b___d pentagrams don’t come off the walls so easily. Washing them off didn’t work, and then the stains seeped right trough the fresh coat of paint again. It’s of no use, she needs new wallpapers first.
Edit: Come on, seriously? The community feels my little joke is offensive, abusive, hateful conduct? I question the community’s sense of humor. The allusion to satanism isn’t over the top enough to mark it as a humorous jab? You have to admit it was kind of fitting to the recent developments in the apartment and in this discussion. No, I don’t retire my comment. It was a good joke.
@jabbath1987 That retort was just lazy. I know you can do better than that monkey pic. If you want to label something as stupid you have to demonstrate superior wit while doing so, or it reflects badly on yourself.
Right away, big words! “Conspiracy” when Kristian175775 has sensible words…
Wouldn’t it be smarter to ask ourself the interest of cutting the wires for this sad guy when unpluging the router’s electrical outlet cut off all communication. Would it ever occur to you to cut the wires with people who lent you their apartment ? May be we should think about this before crying “wolf”
So yes, at the risk of displeasing “the defenders of the temple”, we can reasonably question the duration of the return to service.
I really like Ariela but maybe she’s not telling everything because her private life is none of our business and that even privileged communication is no guarantee of truth.
Never forget that Slavs are two-faced.
That may be true, but it doesn’t change the fact that Kristian is known for his absurd fantasies, often formulated as if they were facts, about everything that happens outside of his field of view. It doesn’t matter whether the apartment is offline, as it is currently, or whether it’s about things that are supposed to happen outside the apartment. And because it’s always associated with the blanket assumption that Ariela does everything just to not let him see what she’s really doing, I call it the ‘conspiracy theory’. whether you like it or not