I believe that account is used by Seb. At least it was used by him for a long time. We been told that Ariela doesn’t come on the forum anymore
It isn’t more than in other Topics. And in the end, everything brings views, both positive or negative publicity.
i dont know mate you could be right also you could be wrong and whe ever said she doesnt read use the forum was probably right at that time ,but could of started using again as its only been 8 days reading , but hey oh , who cares , just felt like being a smug git lol
I bet if someone badmouthed the 3,000 favorite girls you like on vhtv you would try to defend them all…
I think that some should see with more distance the vicissitudes of a person whom we do not know and will never know, nor do we even understand what he says. Too many speculations, for and against, based on the fact that we have seen his ass.
Don’t get me wrong, i am not attacking Ariela in any way. My comment is aimed at transforming this topic into a fan club only one.
Also at the fact that the level of protection Ariela gets is not justified. At least not when compared with other participants. In my opinion
you know me m8 , i dont care about any of it . to me im only here to pass the time and cant remember what was said yesterday on here lol
Oh, and that’s why you think the trolls can throw dirt on them now?
By the way, there is no evidence that she doesn’t read the forum.
The profile was last online 11 hours ago. Maybe it was Sebastian, but it could also have been Ariela.
Especially after this unspeakable incident happened in her apartment, I think it’s even more likely that Ariela read the forum. And if she was, she certainly regretted it.
By the way, the supposedly “stupid slogan” comes from Kaya.
Have a nice evening…
We both know where that slogan comes from or better said why Kaya made it …
Have a nice evening as well
@John78 the next time users should badmouth one or more girls you like (don’t complain if they don’t like them everyone has their own preferences)…
I thought it was online?..
nope, not yet
Andre, this is happening since forever, almost daily. I am used to it.
I thought it was a recent photo…I saw it after the date of the apartment…
even better… so you can understand us trying to protect this apartment…(obviously not from the guests we saw)…
Están aquellos que consideran que todo lo que hace Ariela es perfecto y ella es intocable, mientras que están los otros que siempre le tirarán odio o nunca estarán conforme con lo que ella haga.
También, los neutrales que votarán conforme pasen las cosas en su casa.
Este es un foro público y es parte de las reglas del juego aceptar de los dos lados (ellos como participantes y nosotros como foristas) que ni todo lo que se lee es positivo, ni todo negativo.
Apenas podemos ponernos de acuerdo en las cenas navideñas con nuestra familia, pretendernos ponernos de acuerdo en un foro con cientos de desconocidos???
Mientras seamos respetuosos y no ataquemos a los que piensan distinto, a mi juicio, toda opinión es válida. Ni correcta ni incorrecta. Válida.
the comments that you read every day towards this negative apartment do nothing but bring back the great ariela will be more and more difficult…if you don’t like certain participants go look at other participants without breaking…