Given all the judgments you have against Seb one would expect that at that age you would have understood that it takes two to tango.
And it wasn’t long ago that you were full of accusations for Ariela when she didn’t even look at Seb, but was happy to cuddle with her “friend”, day after day.
Sometimes people’s memories are really surprisingly short, don’t you think?
Me personally, I say you have to know the whole situation before you can pass judgment on him because I am not speaking to her started way before they came back off of vacation, but I still don’t believe they went on to gather
i said that also about the vacation together, and i still believe that we are right, it’s been going on since Will entered the scene, maybe he has gone, hope so, but there are something more to it and that
remember this moment! There is more that unites you than divides you, and no argument, whatever the reason, can be resolved if you don’t approach each other! Staying silent and avoiding the other is not a solution!
and if you behave like you have in the last few days again, I’ll come over in person (instead of just virtually) and give you headbutts
ps: yes, I know, it’s just an empty threat but I’ll tell you my opinion anyway, I promised that and I’ll keep it
pps: I have rarely experienced such stubborn people… the last one regularly looks at me in the mirror
Thinking about it, not unusual for my wife and I to have a falling out after we have spent a couple of weeks away in each others pockets 24/7. Certain logic to that?
That’s completely normal. The less you can avoid each other (‘thanks’ to Corona, many people have been ‘allowed’ to have this experience), the more obvious conflicts become. Be it just socks lying around, toilet lids that aren’t closed, or whatever sometimes the little things are the decisive spark.
Arguments or discussions are part of life. The important thing is not to avoid them, but in the end to either have moved closer together, or to have realized that there is no longer any point in continuing together and then to part ways as peacefully as possible.
The solution is as individual as the problems. However, dealing with this is sometimes made more difficult by cultural and personal characteristics