I agree. The broadcast of the house was cut off on the way to and from the holiday. and the house is very different from last year
I would bet that his m____r told him to get things right with Ariela. He really needs to get a handle on his âNot talking and not respondingâ to Ariela. He is on his way to screwing up the best thing that could have happened to him. Here is a short video of how she felt about him. He was as___p and never knew this happened.
And another when he was as___p that he never knew about:
She is exposed (in close contact) to many men some of whom would wisk her away in 2 seconds and some of them are ones that Seb exposes her to. SEB: you best keep Ariela happy.
the problem between them nobody knows⊠and for now itâs just speculationâŠ(I saw some flowers that sebastian brought for ariela and that makes me happy)âŠ
One problem we do know: Seb wonât talk to Ariela.
WĂŒrde mich nicht wundern, wenn sie den Rucksack gleich wieder neu einpackt und geht.
Aber alles nur Spekulation!
Arliela came home. Sebastian didnât even get up. Ariela took the first step into the room. This slob said two words to her, went to piss and then went back to bed. It was not worth buying flowers and having that attitude.
Ariela, with all your heart.
I agree with you on that â but the reason as far as Iâm concerned is their businessâŠ
Vielleicht hat sie ihm nur gesagt, dass sie heute noch einen Job machen muss.
Denn verstanden was sie sich gesagt haben, wissen wir nicht. Ich habe es nicht verstanden, mangels Sprachkenntnisse
I donât say anything because itâs their business if they have problems I hope they solve them as soon as possibleâŠ
Das sie Zwischenmenschliche Probleme haben, kann man glaube ich sehen. Was ich, wir ihnen nicht wĂŒnschen. Da sind wir uns bestimmt einig!
Nur leider können wir, von AuĂen diese nicht lösen, das mĂŒssen sie selber hinbekommen.
Und das hoffe ich sehr
I agree they are problems that I have to solve among themselvesâŠ
00:50 Ariela went back out again after a shower and change of clothes,one thing for sure to me that theyâre both behaving like c___dren
Well as long as the movie have audience, they will keep playing it
you are all a pathetic bunch of speculating whiners and are ruining their relationship and especially this forum
In diesem Fall denke ich, dass es sich um einen weiteren Job handelt.
Denn sie hat vor einiger Zeit viele Notizen an den KĂŒhlschrank geschrieben. Vielleicht sind das alles AuftrĂ€ge. (Spekulation)
Könnte auch der Grund fĂŒr die miese Stimmung sein. Das Seb es nicht gerne sieht das sie soviel von zuhause weg ist.
Or a list of the chores Seb has to do in the apartment when she is gone
Ist natĂŒrlich auch möglich
Bei so einer Hammer Frau wÀre mir das auch nicht recht