Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Obviously he planned it shorter than expected :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh, okay - I also thought you meant in general. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

ma scusate se dite che questo ragazzo è il vero amore perchè non va a vivere con lui???

in the heart of some people there is room for more than one great love…
who knows … maybe living together with austin is much more exhausting than living with sebastian :wink: otherwise we might have an apartment in ariela/austin, with sebastian as a permanent guest, and the discussion would be the same, just related to a different partner

either way. it’s not up to us to judge. we are only (quiet) enjoyers


forse sebastian è unico…perchè è facile fare sesso con la donna di altri ma se fanno sesso con la tua tutto diventa piu difficile e non credo che questo ragazzo sia comprensivo come sebastian

As of today, Ariela did not fuck Austin. It was what is called soft sex {anything but penitration. What she does off camera know one knows. She may be doing her films as you can find on various sites. On camera lately her and Seb have had 3 somes. but that is between them with sex while Seb is there… There are a lot of people seeing things that are not there and trying to cause trouble by bringing things up and not knowing what is truely going on.

Don’t worry they’re gone for a little while anyway :grin:


How’d they miss you?? :thinking:

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Christmas/New Year seems to be over :wink:

going out together now we all know what for

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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yes, to dispose of the dead tree

Yes throw away the Christmas tree :joy:

I seem to slip under the radar so to speak :wink: cheeky bugger :rofl:

and to take austin home otherwise he will have to get the bus

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he seems mature enough to me to know the way home on his own…
you could finally stop these unfounded allegations, or at least keep them to yourself. in case you haven’t noticed yet: nobody cares what you imagine. so save yourself the trouble and stop bothering us with it

Thank goodness :clap:

1 thing is that Ariela is a beautiful and stunning woman no need to call her bad names she hasn’t done anything wrong to deserve such thing she’s loving and living life that’s comfortable for her Seb and Ariela are perfect and are so lucky to have one another :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart: Seb has a angel in Ariela :heart_eyes:


unaiuto da chi ha gia visto…dove trovo i video di ariela e con quale nome??grazie a chi mi aiuta a trovare

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Solo su questo sito e sotto il nome "ariella":relieved::neutral_face: