Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

After so many days of silence on the forum here it is … I’m only sorry that with everything that is written to him he doesn’t interact constructively to make himself better known instead of just defending himself and then stop writing. You would probably understand more about her way of life since if many people comment, it creates interest in looking at her.

grazie…se riesci rimanda mail si è cancellata

I recently gave you a math problem… maybe someone else can remember :wink:
Today I thought I’d do it differently:

What happens when you bring these elements together in a small space:


which reaction do you think will be the hottest?
Se + La ?
Al + La ?
O + La ?
Se + La + Al ?
or Se + Al + O + La )

Stay tuned to this channel, we’ll find out in about 3 hours :wink:

for sure :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

4 Al + 3 O2 → 2 Al2O3

This reaction releases a significant amount of heat and light, and is commonly used in thermite reactions and welding applications.

Speaking of reactions :thinking: Ariela had quick reactions to save spillage :joy:

and I really hope that she got enough s___p and is more awake than last night :wink:


scusa quello che mi ai mandato si è cancellato…lo rimandi per favore…grazie

Your riddles may need some work, but I love to see them all the same :grin: :grin:
We know the chemistry is good so I’m looking forward to the results of the experiment :wink:

I first thought of argon instead of aluminum… but since noble gases don’t react at all, that didn’t work :wink:
But I don’t insist on scientific verifiability either :wink:

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Spoiler allert needed? :thinking::yum::innocent:

I do agree with Lukas choice by the way :heart_eyes:

I just haven’t the foggiest what your on about :thinking:

luckily there’s still a little over 2 hours to go… there’s still a bit to do before guests arrive
and i hope the tree didn’t leave a hole in the ceiling yesterday :wink:



Oh me what a surprise :rofl: :rofl:

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the curtain covers half the camera in the living room…hopefully it takes it off

otto lola came here. :open_mouth: are they friend?

they want swap but lola doesnt agree it

with some support: meanwhile yes :wink:

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