Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)

Hi Ariela this is a good response and reminder to all that we just don’t know what someone else likes or dislikes unless that has been communicated with by that person.

I would also add that I don’t think if Sebastian had any issues with the way the night was going then he wouldn’t have stayed watching and encouraging you, I don’t know for certain but would think if it were a huge issue he would have prompted you to leave with him.

P.s you may not see it but a lot of us see that you are as the phrase goes drop dead gorgeous, such a stunner, also as difficult to say from me Sebastian is alright too. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi)) No, no, it’s okay) I just need to go out and exercise more):kissing_heart: Thank you for your concern, it’s nice)

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Of course) We always share with each other if something bothers us or does not suit us and discuss this moment) We have already lived together for 4 years)) And for 2.5 years we have been swingers​:sweat_smile:) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::grin:


Hopefully the “training” will not be interpreted differently by some weirdos here than it was intended… :wink: :sweat_smile:



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You forgot “Bonnie Quine” :heart: or are you too far south to know that one :thinking: :grin:

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Sorry, that’s what happens when we communicate through translation programs. :joy:

I meant the “exercise outside”. :sweat_smile:

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Aaaa))) Hahahah yeah) Here some people can turn the usual phrase around as they like) I wouldn’t be able to go in for sports on the street - I start to get sick very quickly :sweat_smile: this climate really doesn’t suit me So just a regular walk to get some air) And exercises should be done at home)

‘your’ winters sometimes spill over to me (e.g. tomorrow you send me your cold …), but currently I’m still at +2, you at around -10

… I don’t want to switch places with you right now

image source:

In my hometown now -38) Here the temperature is higher, but because of the humidity it feels as if it is also minus 20-25

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Now I really don’t want to swap places with you :wink: and I’m definitely staying away from your hometown… :crazy_face: :rofl:

The frost in my city is much more pleasant than the piercing wind and humidity of the current city😬

That’s not true… You are being fooled… Run, you fools… :rofl: p.s. From Seb.

In short, I am not going to be the one who sets the tastes or limits of a liberal couple that does not correspond to my thinking (which is also liberal) but corresponds to equal rights and enjoyment. I still can’t believe Sebastian just wanted to watch and not fuck Jerry because I saw the whole action. I call it a level playing field, if one person in the couple is not up for a level playing field, it is paralyzed and left on hold until the other person is ready or there is simply no exchange. This is how my intelligence works, sorry for that! Here I end my opinion, now you can continue shooting in the same direction! Greetings to all and a big kiss for Ariela, who still doesn’t agree with her, I just love it!

Ariela, your beauty is only surpassed by your wisdom. _ a bit of a sticky phrase but expresses perfectly the way you give your side of the discussion. I just wish people would understand that others live a different lifestyle to their own and learn from it. :heart:

We never went off topic we was only making small talk while we waited for A&S to come back :rofl: :rofl:

If we stayed on topic it would be eh :thinking:

Eh well



Hello anyone there?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

hén arrêtes !! tu vas attirer ToreyK !!! :angry: :laughing:

Nope not until next year :wink:

thanks god !!! :pray: :pray:

Is there a toggle where we control whether the translate option is active or not? My icon does not show now.

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