thanks for clarifying, nice to read from you here. hopefully this should shed some light on some doubters.
anyway: let’s see who is the first to accuse you of lying wouldn’t be the first time either…
Dear friend Seb, and who was the guy with the bandana who slept next to you. I think one of the many guys with whom he fucks Ariela outside the apartment: they are so intimate that she let him touch her pussy and even took his cock in his hand. For sure they then went to the hotel to fuck. What do you tell us about it? Thank you
It’s just my thought. You have to tell us and maybe be honest. I don’t think a girl takes a friend’s cock in her hand. I don’t think she lets a simple friend touch her ass and pussy
She is a flirt, A strong flirt . She flirts more than anyone i have personally ever met. That does not make her a bad person , nor does it mean she is cheating on her partner. You have very strange views for a person who pays to be a voyeur.
[quote=“ArielaSebastian, post:3617, topic:14552”]
No. Ariella does not have sex with men outside of the apartment. Except when we’re dating couples.
[/quote]Tell others this nonsense.
she shouldn’t tell you, if you think she should, then you’re not in the right place, i don’t understand some people where they find the pleasure in doing everything they can to destroy a good relationship
I thought today’s session between Ariel’s and Seb was so beautiful. They had the whole apartment to themselves. So they were completely comfortable. It was a long gentle love-making session. Seb was smiling and gentle. It started in the living room then to the kitchen then the bedroom. They both needed this. Beautiful!!