I find him one of the better guys here at least he interacts with us. Top bloke IMO
this posture has something of a gorilla male only less hairy (at least on the back )
happy kitten, all that’s missing is the purr
a nice finally we are again in our own apartment for ourselves moment. been too rare lately
Kama Sutra calls doggy style ‘Dhenuka’ Don’t know about Gorilla style.
Was a bit busy for the next half hour.)))))))))))))))))))
There are guests who come to the apartment but nothing happens.
We very much love Ariela and Sambatain, Especially when they are with friends.
Is it true that she goes out of the apartment to fuck friends? And in the apartment we will no longer see her with friends.
You’ve been reading too many of Kristian’s posts (Sorry speculative bulls__t)
definitive ‘no’. unless both go to visit a couple who don’t want to be in front of the camera. but this only happens very rarely, as the two of them have confirmed themselves
and sometimes friends are really just friends, no matter what some people fantasize about. except Austin, who can sometimes do more… but seems to prefer her feet
Well, they’re off to god knows where again, She is dressed to seduce the eyes so I can only imagine. High heels and all
So why have there been so many guests in the apartment recently and nothing happened?
Other apartments have clear rules that are never crossed. And it seems that even in the new apartment the rules of the game have changed for the worse!
The facts speak for themselves There have been many opportunities for interesting things and nothing has happened.
Take a look at the archives and you will see that recently there has been no video of exchanges or of Ariella with guests.
I’ve already answered the question: Sometimes friends really are just friends.
improbable as it may be for some, life isn’t always about sex…
how often did you have e.g. you already visiting friends, and there was no orgy celebrated?
They’ve just moved to a different apartment they’re maybe too far from that guests to travel.
Do not walk around naked for many hours next to friends who do not feel open next to them …
I think they just put new restrictions on their relationship, and stopped having an open relationship (at least not near the cameras),
As in most apartments
most of us were raised differently. it might be unusual in your culture…
just one example: there are countries where there is one sauna for everyone, in other countries there are separate saunas … for cultural or religious reasons. just don’t make the mistake of transferring your experiences from your world to other cultures
the relationship between the two is unchanged. it is only determined by their everyday life, not by VH, or by our wishes/ideas or wild fantasies
Is this Kristian in disguise? We get peace from one then immediately gets replaced by another
when you see what’s happening at VH, the two of them are a bit out of the ordinary here. and if you compare other apartments with this, it’s easy to get lost
when I answer something like that, it’s not my concern to defend the two, but I notice that many people react in a completely misleading way. and I think it makes sense to provide a little clarification. And it doesn’t surprise me that new names keep popping up, on the contrary
Besides, we still have a few candidates as representatives for K
…but you must at least give K some recognition for his imagination … he could be a very high ranked member if the KGB or CIA with that kind of interpretation and levels of suspicion …
Please excuse us for the late reply.
Thank you for your posts that accurately reflect the situation.
- No. Ariella does not have sex with men outside of the apartment. Except when we’re dating couples.
- Yes. We go to theme parties, in particular the one that was today. But we didn’t find couples interesting to us there.
- Most of the guys lately are Austin’s friends and have nothing to do with swing.
- As we wrote before… We now have certain concerns that affect sexual desire. Moving … “Attempts to survive in our country”)))) (humor).