Ariela (Part 2)

Have nice Trip be back soon


Dancer has left the building! :sweat_smile: :hugs:


I don’t know what the deal was but if Ariela thinks he will stay alone to watch the Realm forget about it unless he go to beach & coming back

Off to work i expect

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Unless he’s working as a Dancer nearby You right


Well he has twirled both Ariella and Silva around the living room.

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I remember the day he had sex with Silva and then after a few hours a kind of half-sex with Ariela and honestly I don’t think he treated her very well. Ariela said they were playing, but there are ways and ways and in my opinion she exaggerated enough.


No, he was actually dancing with them on seperate occasions.
As to how he treats Ariella is yet to be seen, he would like it to be friends with benefits but i think Ariella sees him more for cuddling and comfort.


Dancer is back and in bed! :face_with_monocle: :hugs:


Dancer very consistent…


Yes…no! Actually he’s a relative of Tanos. :man_shrugging:

All the men who approach her want to be friends with benefits…but it is she who by never setting limits and always being so uninhibited in front of them puts them in a position to think and ask and then it becomes difficult for her to manage and make him understand what he really wants.


One can reasonably wonder, in fact, what she seeks by her attitude with all these guys. Does she really know? That is the question… :slightly_smiling_face:


I totally agree with you. I think she has lost her bearings and is disoriented. I don’t think staying in the VH-TV universe is a good thing for her. It’s easy money, but a return to real life would be, in my opinion, preferable. I would see some male or female participants leave without regret, this is absolutely not her case. I just think that a return, even if it’s only for a few months, to a healthier life could only do her good.


Where did you get that idea from? :face_with_monocle: :astonished:

(post deleted by author)

Why is this posted on Ariela’s pages?

wrong browser tab … deleted

JonR Any news of Ariela?

no. the usual absence due to work, but now no longer with an empty apartment

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