Me suena a mudanza. Pero no por una cuestión afectiva o al nivel de cambiar el nombre del Realm; quizá ella necesita que la ayuden con la renta y uno de los muchachos, con un lugar en el cual vivir (me oriento a pensar que el amigo de Will necesita casa)
no. I’m just letting myself be surprised how this continues.
I know of a plan she has that will probably result in a longer absence (at least). But I don’t know the timetable for it, and whether it will even happen was still unclear yesterday. Whether this is already a pre-planning so that the apartment doesn’t stand empty, or whether there is something else behind it… we’ll see.
So let’s look at the next steps with interest
Same arm veins as toother chap. Now we know why Ariella was writing notes the other day.
Not to say I’m to impressed with him at the moment.
Ariella did take her “mothers little helper” with her so maybe away for a few days work.
Para el caso, si el chico se va a quedar, él tendrá que llevar un nombre.
O Ariela ya te dio alguna sugerencia?
yes … and no for (…) reasons I prefer to ask again to be on the safe side
(you know what I mean)
Curious to know what’s going on here. Lots of luggage by the front door. Will and some other guy wandering around.
There is a suggestion for the name, but it is still being discussed. But I think we will have a decision soon…
And as for the plans with all the luggage that was delivered today: she is laughing at me right now because she surprised me just as much as everyone else. But OK, I like it better when she is in a good mood and not sitting in the kitchen crying. So I let her laugh
So for now I don’t know any more than everybody here…
… except that she is on her way home and should be there soon
Welcome to your home @Ariela
Parece que el “invitado” se va a instalar un laaaargo tiempo…
Perhaps it is what was suggested above that he will “look after” the apartment!
After a short discussion and changing all the ideas again, her suggestion is now DANCER… even if that sounds like one of Santa’s reindeers to me
Now I need some good photos to put in Wiki
What an attractive young man. I’m sure he’ll prove to be quite the loveliest.