Ariela (Part 2)

Thank you! I haven’t been here for over a year. It’s difficult for me to do anything on this foreign site) I can only send SMS and use the translation for each individual message in the translator😅


Ah do not worry. I am sure everything will be fine. :wink::kissing_heart:

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If in doubt, just write in your own language, that’s what many residents do…

then there is a possibility of mistranslation and misunderstanding

how did you manage when you was here over a year ago as you say ,what account did you use , how come a new account , so many questions , you cant blame me for being dubious , i hope you are who you say you are as it would be nice to know your opinions on some of the crazy insinuations you see in this topic

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can definitely confirm that it is really Ariela with an own account, no longer via the shared account with Sebastian


She had an account together with Sebastian which got only used by Sebastian and now she made a new one.


well i will take it as fact as i trust you and @JonR , :thinking: :thinking: i hope lol


I was surprised myself and asked her privately to be on the safe side


seen it many times where an account was made pretending to be someone else granted it happened more on C.C but maybe im a sinical old fart and always question the questionable :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I want to welcome Ariela to the forum if that really is her, but I will still wait for Kaya to confirm because there definitely are trolls on this forum.

The alarm went off in my head for a moment. I’ve known the photos for about 3 hours, but I don’t know who else might have them…

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Whats Up Hello GIF by Make it Move

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In any case, her presence here will not help her to put her phone away more often :crazy_face:


you can rest assured @JonR is not one of them and if he says he as private messaged her then thats good enough for me to accept , not many on here i do trust maybe 10 at most and thats through experience


I don’t think JonR is. But still for my own peace I will wait for confirmation.

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totally understand your reasoning , a bit of me is still erring on the side of caution . , but i will say this after witnessing how this topic can go into overdrive at the slightest thing , can you imagine if it is Ariela , and she comments on something , she will be inundated , with questions -friend request -and maybe a few marriage proposals along the way :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Don’t be too disappointed, I don’t think there will be any interrogation-like interviews with her…
but I asked her to talk about her intentions herself


She should simply ignore these Hudson-like guys here. They do not deserve even one second of attention.


that wont stop some of them trying