Ariela (Part 2)


In addition to that hideous bird’s eye view, the camera is upside down, making it even worse.


I wonder why Ariela needs these kind of characters around her
it’s really sad

Kitchen Cam1 OFF

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You don’t know for what reason and where such boys get close to you! Then meals together, baths, and hiding in one of the beds in the apartment! I think they are business foundations with some interest, played with emotion to arouse the already beautiful body! It can become dangerous, although the fact that there are cameras everywhere gives you some protection! Once a tougher, more aggressive man is not enough with the pleasures he has seen for days! Many people bring it up and I think they are rightfully afraid of the woman!

looking for an activity with these characters does not mean wanting to experience sexuality with the freedom you desire. It’s not fun and it might even be risky because you give so much freedom and these people feel like they can trespass as much as they want at any time and they actually take advantage of it and go for it. I don’t know if they realize that they are in front of a camera and that all this inevitably leads Ariela to often have to intervene and stop their behavior. I hope that sooner or later he does something else instead of giving space to these people because I have the perception that he doesn’t have everything under control.

The departure of Sebastian Ariela made me very sad. OK, everyone needs sex, but I think she’s overdoing it a bit and often has different guys in her bed.

Ariela got you lot eating out of the palm of her hand and earning a shit load of money for doing the absolute bare minimum , clever girl , She knows how to keep you hooked :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


Excepting the “shit load of money” (there isn’t such thing on Vhtv), you’re absolutely spot on :clap::clap::clap:


a shit load of money to her is probably peanuts to me and you :wink:


You might probably be surprised by the amounts of money received by the ‘most popular actors’, who are generally the first in the flat bar below.

Who knows ??? :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:


But we also have to differentiate that the amount is irrelevant when it comes to what the money is used for. Some residents live in their own property, for them the money is a bonus, but not essential to life. Others have to use it to cover all their monthly expenses and all unexpected additional expenses as well

for example, when I think of Ariela’s dental repairs a few months ago


Have a nice time everyone :smiling_face: Returning home after a pleasant walk on the board for a nice tan đŸ©”:beach_umbrella::sunny:



Hey, Ariela you need to ask @kaya to change your username and verify you as participant :kissing_heart:


Sorry, but this is not my job :sweat_smile: I don’t understand anything about this) I only know how to enter send SMS in this section​:person_shrugging:


Kaya will take care of it when she comes online as she saw me tagging her😘


you think thats genuine??

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I think so as these are photos posted nowhere else before

guess the boss lady will be able comfirm before commiting :wink: